
An ORM for IndexedDB

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Near ORM

A simple ORM for IndexedDB, inspired by Prisma

  • 🛠️ Zero dependencies
  • 🔑 Fully-typed APIs
  • 🔥 Minimalist package (~10KB uncompressed)
  • 🚀 Asynchronous API
  • 🧩 Schema definition
  • 🔄 Query builder
  • 🔒 Type-safe migrations
  • 📡 Event system

What's new in v0.3.0?

  • Seeding your database now triggers the create event for each record seeded.
  • Added the once method to the event system, allowing you to listen to an event once.
  • Added the off method to the event system, allowing you to unsubscribe from an event.
  • Returns an unsubscribe function from the on method, allowing you to clean up effectively.

Table of Content


npm install near-orm

Quick Start

This section provides a quick overview of how to get started with NearORM.

Defining Schema

Like Prisma, you define your database schema before initialising it. In NearORM, you do this using the defineSchema function.

import { defineSchema, field } from "near-orm";

const schema = defineSchema({
  users: {
    fields: {
      id: field({ type: 'string', primaryKey: true }),
      name: field({ type: 'string' }),
      email: field({ type: 'string', unique: true }),
      createdAt: field({ type: 'date', default: { type: 'now' } }),
      updatedAt: field({ type: 'date', default: { type: 'now' } }),

Each record within defineSchema is similar to a Prisma model/database table.

Initialising ORM

import { ORM } from "near-orm";

const db = await ORM.init({ schema });

init returns an ORM instance, which you can use to interact with your database.

CRUD Operations

An ORM instance has methods for CRUD operations, allowing you to create, update, delete and fetch records from various tables.

The methods can be accessed via the models property of the ORM instance.


await db.models.users.create({
  email: "john.doe@gmail.com",
  name: "John Doe",
  id: "1",

Fields with default defined will be automatically generated if not provided.


await db.models.users.update('1', {
  name: "John Doe",

The update method takes in the record's primary key as the first argument, and the new data as the second argument.


await db.models.users.delete('1')

This deletes the record with the primary key 1.


To fetch a record, you can use the findById method.

const user = await db.models.users.findById('1')

This fetches the record with the primary key 1.

You can also fetch all records from a table using the findAll method.

const users = await db.models.users.findAll()

This fetches all records from the users table.

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NearORM also supports querying for records that match a specific criteria via a simple, and intuitive API

const users = await db
  .where('name', 'startsWith', 'A')
  .orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')

This fetches all records from the users table where the name field starts with A, and orders them by the createdAt field in descending order.


NearORM also supports migrations, allowing you to create, modify, and delete tables and fields seamlessly.

When creating an ORM, you can choose to handle your migrations automatically (recommended) via the versioning property

const db = await ORM.init({
  versioning: { type: 'auto' }

Or handle it manually:

const db = await ORM.init({
  versioning: { type: 'manual', version: 1 }

This would create an IndexedDB store with the version 1, tied to that specific schema. When your schema changes, a migration would need to be manually triggered via the migrate method

await db.migrate(2);

This would migrate the store to version 2.

You can also pass a migrations callback to the ORM's init that gets invoked whenever a new migration occurs, wether automatically or manually.

const db = await ORM.init({
  versioning: { type: 'auto' },
  migrations: (oldVersion, newVersion, db) => {
    // Do something when a migration occurs


Transactions are basically one of the core tenets of IndexedDB, it means that changes made to a store are isolated. If all goes well, the change is persisted to the store, else, a "rollback" occurs. Meaning that no change is made to the store.

NearORM provides a transaction API that allows to handle a transation across multiple stores. Ensuring that you can modify multiple tables in one transaction, and rollback if any error occurs (all or nothing).

await db.transaction(async (trx) => {
  await trx.users.create({ id: '1', name: 'Abbad', email: 'abbad@example.com' })
  await trx.posts.create({ id: '1', title: 'Hello World', content: 'This is my first post', authorId: '1' })

This will create a new transaction, adding the users and posts to the database. If any error occurs during the transaction, it will be rolled back, and no data will be persisted to the database.

The beauty of this is that you can perform any CRUD operation within the transaction, and it will ensure that all changes (or none) are persisted to the database.

Read more about IndexedDB transactions here.


Seeding is the process of populating your database with data. This is useful for testing and ensuring that your database is populated with the correct data.

await db.seed({
  users: [
      id: '1',
      name: 'Abbad',
      email: 'abbad@example.com',
      createdAt: new Date(),
      updatedAt: new Date()
      id: '2',
      name: 'John Doe',
      email: 'john.doe@gmail.com',
      createdAt: new Date(),
      updatedAt: new Date()

This would create two new records within your users table.

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Events are a way to listen to changes within your database. This is useful for updating the UI or performing other actions when a record is created, updated, deleted, etc.

db.events.on('create', (storeName, data) => {
  console.log(`New record created in ${storeName}:`, data);

db.events.on('update', (storeName, data) => {
  console.log(`Record updated in ${storeName}:`, data);

This would log the new record created in the users store, and the record updated in the users store.

It works with any storename, we are using users in the example above, but you can use any storename from your schema.

This can be used to create a pub/sub system, wether that includes UI updates or data synchronization, the possibilities are plenty.

Going Raw

NearORM also ships a raw method that returns the udnerlying IDBDatabase instance for low-level or non-standard operations.

const idb = db.raw()


NearORM also comes with a meta utility that returns a metadata overview of your database, including size, indexes and column count.

const meta = await db.meta()

This would return an object that resembles:

  version: 1,           // Current version of the database
  stores: {
    users: {
      recordCount: 4,   // Number of records (rows) in the store
      size: "579.00 B", // Size of the store
      indexes: [
      ],                // List of indexes in the store
      keyRange: {
        lower: "1",     // Lower bound of the key range
        upper: "4"      // Upper bound of the key range
      lastUpdated: null // Last updated timestamp

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API Documentation

Always remember that NearORM is built on top of IndexedDB, which utilises asynchronous APIs for all its operations.


Initialises the ORM and returns an ORM instance.


export type InitOptions<S extends Schema> = {
  schema: S;  // inferred from the schema you pass
  dbName?: string;
  versioning?: { type: "auto" } | { type: "manual"; version: number };
  migrations?: (
    oldVersion: number,
    newVersion: number,
    db: IDBDatabase
  ) => void;
  debug?: boolean;

init(options: InitOptions<S>): Promise<ORM<S>>


import { ORM, defineSchema } from 'near-orm'

const schema = defineSchema({ ... });

const db = await ORM.init({
  dbName: 'my-database',
  debug: true,
  versioning: { type: 'auto' },
  migrations: (oldVersion, newVersion, db) => {
    console.log(`Migrating from ${oldVersion} to ${newVersion}`)

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Allows you to create a NearORM-compliant schema.


export function defineSchema<T extends Schema>(schema: T): T


import { defineSchema, field } from "near-orm";

const schema = defineSchema({ /* ... */ });

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Creates a column definition for your schema.


type FieldType = "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "date";

type FieldDefinition<T extends FieldType> = {
  type: T;
  primaryKey?: boolean;
  unique?: boolean;
  default?: DefaultValueForType<T>;

function field(def: FieldDefinition<FieldType>): FieldDefinitionWithMeta<FieldType>


import { defineSchema, field } from "near-orm";

const schema = defineSchema({
  users: {
    fields: {
      id: field({ type: 'string', primaryKey: true }),
      name: field({ type: 'string' }),
      email: field({ type: 'string', unique: true }),
      createdAt: field({ type: 'date', default: { type: 'now' } }),

Depending on the type of your field, default supports:

  • "autoincrement": Increments the value of the field by one. The algorithm is handled by IndexedDB key generator.
  • "now": Sets the field to the current date and time.
  • "function": Allows you to pass a function that returns the default value (must be of the same type as your field).
  • "static": Allows you to pass a static value - like an enum (must be of the same type as your field).

Some field types, like number, support "autoincrement", whilst the rest don't.

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Model is basically a Proxy object that handles all the magic for CRUD operations.


Creates a new record in your table.


await db.models['name-of-your-table'].create({ /* ... */ })

It automatically infers the table names as well as the columns from your schema.


Updates one or more columns in a record.


await db.models['name-of-your-table'].update('id', { /* ... */ })


Deletes a record from your table.


await db.models['name-of-your-table'].delete('id')


Finds a record by its primary key.


const user = await db.models['name-of-your-table'].findById('id')


Gets all records in your table.


const users = await db.models['name-of-your-table'].findAll()

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Returns a QueryBuilder that enables you to filter, sort and paginate records within a table.


class ORM<S extends Schema> {
  // ...
  query<K extends keyof S>(storeName: K): QueryBuilder<S[K]["fields"]>


const users = await db
  .where('name', 'startsWith', 'A')
  .orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')

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A class that ships with methods for querying, and a run to execute your query



type WhereOperator = "equals" | "startsWith" | "endsWith";

where(field: string, operator: WhereOperator, value: any): QueryBuilder


const filtered = await db
  .where('name', 'startsWith', 'Z')


Allows you to sort your query results according to a particular column in ascending or descending order


orderBy(field: string, order: "asc" | "desc"): QueryBuilder


const sorted = await db
  .orderBy('name', 'desc')


Allows you to create a pagination utility, by allowing you to skip a certain number of fields


offset(count: number): QueryBuilder


const threeOffset = await db
  .offset(5) /* skip the first 5 records */


Goes hand-in-hand with the offset method, allowing you to limit the number of records returned.


limit(count: number): QueryBuilder


const pageTwo = await db
  .offset(10) /* skip the first 10 records */
  .limit(10) /* limit to 10 records */


Re-using a method will override the previous one. Except for where, which would simply combine with the previous where clause to provide a more complex filtering mechanism.

For example, calling .limit() twice will override the previous limit clause.

const users = await db
  .limit(20) // This will override the previous limit of 10


Executes the query and returns the results.


run(): Promise<T[]>


const users = await db
  .where('name', 'startsWith', 'A')
  .orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')

Got an idea for a new query method? Feel free to open an issue

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Returns a metadata overview of your database, including size, indexes and column count.


meta(): Promise<Record<string, any>>


const meta = await db.meta()

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A utility method that allows you to perform a transaction across multiple stores.


await db.transaction(async (trx) => {
  await trx.users.create({ id: '1', name: 'Abbad', email: 'abbad@example.com' })
  await trx.posts.create({ id: '1', title: 'Hello World', content: 'This is my first post', authorId: '1' })

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A method that allows you to seed your database with data.


await db.seed({
  users: [
    { id: '1', name: 'Abbad', email: 'abbad@example.com' },
    { id: '2', name: 'John Doe', email: 'john.doe@gmail.com' },
  posts: [
    { id: '1', title: 'Hello World', content: 'This is my first post', authorId: '1' },
    { id: '2', title: 'Hello World', content: 'This is my second post', authorId: '2' },

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A method that allows you to manually migrate your database to a new version. Re-applying the new schema to the database, and updating the version number.


This throws an error if your versioning and migration is already handled automatically.


migrate(version: number): Promise<void>


await db.migrate(2)

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Events are a way to listen to changes within your database. This is useful for updating the UI or performing other actions when a record is created, updated, deleted, etc.


Listens to events within your database. It returns a function that allows you to unsubscribe from the event.


  eventName: "create" | "update" | "delete",
  callback: (storeName: string, record: any) => void
): () => void


const unsubscribe = db.events.on('create', (storeName, data) => {
  console.log(`New record created in ${storeName}:`, data);

// ...




This is a low-level method that requires you to manually track events within your codebase. Do not use this method unless you know what you are doing!

Triggers an event within your database. This is useful for creating your own event system. Can be combined with raw to build your own ORM.


  eventName: "create" | "update" | "delete",
  storeName: string,
  record: any
): void


db.events.trigger('create', 'users', { id: '1', name: 'Abbad', email: 'abbad@example.com' })


Unsubscribes from an event.


off(eventName: "create" | "update" | "delete", callback: EventCallback<S>): void


const callback = (storeName, data) => {
  console.log(`New record created in ${storeName}:`, data);

db.events.on('create', callback);

// ...

db.events.off('create', callback);


Listens to an event once.


once(eventName: "create" | "update" | "delete", callback: EventCallback<S>): void


// Triggers the callback once, and then unsubscribes from the event
// immediately after
db.events.once('create', (storeName, data) => {
  console.log(`New record created in ${storeName}:`, data);

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Returns the underlying IDBDatabase instance for low-level or non-standard operations.


This returns the raw IndexedDB API, and does not go through the ORM's type system. This means that you can bypass all the ORM's type safety and integrity checks. Here be dragons!


raw(): IDBDatabase


const idb = db.raw()

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