Shafikul-isl's Stars
:trident: Some recognized algorithms[Decision Tree, Adaboost, Perceptron, Clustering, Neural network etc. ] of machine learning and pattern recognition are implemented from scratch using python. Data sets are also included to test the algorithms.
:hamburger: A subset of C Compiler[Lexical Analyzer, Syntax Analyzer, Semantic Analyzer & Intermediate Code Generator] , DAG & TAC implemented in C++ using Flex and Yacc-Bison as an assignment of sessional course CSE310 in undergradute studies in CSE, BUET
:white_check_mark: Implementation of A Machine Learning based Approach for Protecting Wireless Networks Against Virtual Jamming based Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Undergrad research work
:collision: EventPlanner:: This repo is to make a Single Page Event Management application using MERNG stack. It also covers building GraphQL based backend API with Node.js & Expres.js, JWT based authentication. Client-side is developed in React Typescript using React Hooks, Context API for state management, React Router Hooks, Protecting routes/endpoints.
:performing_arts: A casual puzzle video game implemented in C/C++ with OpenGL iGraphics for GUI as a term project assignment of C Programming Language Sessional course, CSE102 of CSE, BUET.
📫 This repo is to build a fully fledged INSTAGRAM website using MERN stack. It also covers Building a backend API with Node.js & Expres.js, JWT based authentication, Image upload to cloud, Context API for state management, React Hooks, React Router Hooks, Protecting routes/endpoints, Sending emails, Forget & Reset password.
Java OOP problem solves || Project code for java course || Design Pattern Game
The crux of this repo is to get the nitty-gritty of micro service architecture and database-per-service in asynchronous system by building a simple BLOG application using react, express and in-memory database system.
An implementation of a generic ArrayList and a generic LinkedList in cpp which can store multiple data type variables.
React Typescript based A simple Shopping Cart using contextAPI, reducers. A payment method based on Stripe was also built here
This is a react app which gives you current weather and forecast of weather of every 3 hours for next five days based on your selected country and region.
my solves of some ctfs and some write-ups regarding security tools
:high_brightness: A simple android app for those who are suffering from developmental disorders by which they can learn through play. Alarming system is also included to enjoy them. There's heavy chance to extend this version to different ideas.
Cpp implementation of various kinds of OpenGL projects. Koch Snow Curve, Simple Harmonic Motion and Ray Tracing are done. Translation and Rotation of a Camera is done. Implementation of 2D Hermite Curve is done
A c++ implementation of making bin file for a c file using system calls internally. This program averse creating a command line and to activate that from any location in the linux terminal
My personal website
A tree or grid view based File explorer system with UI built in javafx and design issues are followed by Factory pattern, Composite pattern and Adapter pattern.
A Java implementation of FTP(file transfer protocol) protocol based on server-client relation.
This project belongs to detect any alcoholic driver for avoiding unnecessary accidents. To do this we built a system using MQ-5 gas sensor which can detect alcohol gas and glow a green signal at the back of its led. We are assuming a motor as a vehicle. Now if it sense any alcohol gas then this will be displayed on the LCD display and system will block the motor. That means if any driver gets alcoholic, this system will detect that.
This is an extension of Nachos to support multiprogramming using system calls such as Exec, Exit, Read and Write to have processes request services from the kernel. Then it is further extended by a Virtual Memory Manager supported by Demand Paging and Page Replacement procedures.
A vibrant experience with Graph Database:neo4j to extract data from Twitter data set while implementing DFS, BFS algorithms using java. This is a database project of sessional course CSE304 in undergradute studies in CSE, BUET