
A data analysis study on the complaints made against the NewYork Police Department by civilians

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

NYPD Civilian Complaints: Project Overview

  • Performed exploratory data analysis of NewYork Police Department(NYPD) complaints reviewed by the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)
  • Analysis showed that Male officers are more aggressive than their female counterparts
  • Abuse of Authority is the commonest misconduct in the NYPD
  • Police precinct 75 in Brooklyn had the most complaints
  • Black New Yorkers are handled more aggressively than any other racial group

Code and Resources used

Data Sources

  • Data was obtained from ProPublica.
  • 2 different datasets were used and a readme file from ProPublica giving a description of the data.

Data Cleaning

The data was cleaned to make it more comprehensible and easier to use. I made the foloowing changes:

  • Removed rows without complainant ethnicity.
  • Joined the first and last name columns together and got rid of them.
  • Filled rows with missing complainant gender with the commonest gender.
  • Deleted rows with missing contact reason and precinct.
  • Filled rows with missing outcome description.

Exploratory Data Analysis

I looked at the data sets and their different various categorical variables.
Below are some of the insights I made:

1. Officers in their 20s and 30s are more likely to behave inappropriately than older officers.

2. Male NYPD Officers are more aggressive than female officers.

Fado Type Female Officer(%) Male (%)
Abuse of Authority 6.2 93.8
Discourtesy 6.0 94.0
Offensive Language 5.6 94.4
Force 3.8 96.2

3. NYPD officers are most likely to abuse their authority when misconducting themselves. fado_type, hue=officer gender

4. Black NewYorkers are more likely to face police brutality than any other racial group. fado_type vs Race
5.Officers in their 60s and 50s are less likely to be exonerated than their young counterparts.
6. NYPD pfficers from precint 75 in Brooklyn had the most complaints.
7. Officers from precinct 77 in Brooklyn are more likely to be found in the wrong by the CCRB than officers from any other precinct.
8. Officers with higher ranks are less likely to misconduct themselves.
9. For every 1000 complaints, 8 are about sexism and transphobia.
10.For every 1000 complaints, 13 are race related.
11. Hispanic and Black New Yorkers are more likely to make a complaint about bring handled aggressively by the NYPD than any other racial group.
12. White New Yorkers are more likely to make a complaint about offensive language and discourtesy than any other racial group.