
This site is mainly a Restaurant Management system. User can upload their recipe / food . And user also can buy a food from this site. A user can see his order food list. He can delete and also update the cart. A food owner can also update his foods.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. website name : Masala Manager
  2. Live url : https://masala-manager.web.app

Feature :

  1. You can create account buy google, github and also email and password
  2. You can add your Food here.
  3. You Can purchase a food from here.
  4. You can post on our gallery
  5. User can't buy his own food
  6. User can't buy more than stock quantity

After Clone :

  1. install npm
  2. have to provide some keys. in .evn.local
  3. Please provide Firebase authentication key
  4. install others dependencies. you can find them from package.json file