
A Joint Project for HCI Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Joint Project for HCI Course

For using portal, you can start by opening "starter.html".

To see the documents, you can find them in "Documents" folder.


Design of a smart web portal in order to solve university classrooms problems and increase coordination between students and professors based on UCD process, empirical research, observation and other HCI related methods, including documentation, user studies and a website.

This project was done throughout a semester in 6 phases.

  1. Phase 1: Examination => literature studies, questionnaire design and examination of the problem in order to define the problem we were going to research.

  2. Phase 2: Definition => Task Analysis, User Research and Context Analysis in order to define the scope and the details of the project using data from interviewing students and professors.

  3. Phase 3: Creation => UI Design of the portal based on the results of the last phases by drawing paper sketches.

  4. Phase 4: Examination => Modifying the hypothesis and the primary questions of the project, Domain Observation, Evaluation of sketches, 7Stage Action Cycle for Prototypes, Defining Design principals.

  5. Phase 5: Definition => Formalizing the results and collected data, using ERD, DFD and Use case diagrams

  6. Phase 6: Creation => Converting the finalized UI sketches to a web-based portal (only front-end codes, consisting of HTML, CSS and JavaScript), Evaluation of the portal using interviewing the same students and professors.

Summary of Results: Perceived quality of learning and teaching in university classrooms will increase alongside the efficiency and coordination by using a smart portal in order to find and solve the problems in university classrooms.

You can see some of the screenshots and diagrams of the project here:

Project Cycles

Research Plan

Research Method

Suggested Functionalities

Portal Screenshots:

Start Page

Dashboard Page

Professor Profile Page