
My JavaScript lesson code files.

Primary LanguageHTML

My Basics of Javascript lesson files.

*️⃣ About

This repository contains a well organized and a numbered collection of Javascript basic concepts that I'm making currently as I am learning Javascript for Web Developement stuff. This repo can be useful for those who want to revise their Javascript concepts.

Repository is still not complete. New stuff will be added soon in the future.

Some stuff might be missing in the Lesson files since I might have skipped them.

🔧 Repo Structure.

This repo contains two main folders -

  • Lessons - This has the Javascript concepts from beginner to Intermediate. Each topic has a script.js and index.html file.

  • Practice - Contains miscellaneous small simple projects made using vanilla JS.

📝 Courses / Videos I'm following to learn the basics of Javascript. (all are FREE sources)

I particulary don't follow a single video. I try to collect to refer to different creators according to my comfort level so here are some Videos, Playlists and websites I used for learning basics of JS.

😳 Contributions are welcomed.

I have just started learning Web Dev and other stuff so my code or my approach to a paticular problem might not be perfect or correct. So any corrections or new additions are always welcomed. Your contributions can make my repo even better and I can learn new stuff from my mistakes. 🤓