The NYTimes task completed with MVVM and Coordinator pattern with showing list of Articles and detail of article.
- Overview
- How To Run
- Unit Testing
- App Features
Controller: Contains ArticlesListViewController . This controller fectch the data from the ArticlesListViewModel.
ArticlesListViewController . This controller will be called on clicking any cell from ArticleListViewController.
ArticlesListViewModel: Contain ArticlesRemoteRepository .This module responsible to get the data from the repo and send it to the viewcontroller and then viewController will send data to respective views
Models: Contains Article , Media , MediaMetaData , TimePeriod
Coordinator: Contains Coordinator and MainCoordinator . The responsiblity of coordinators is to handle the navigation of the app and setup the start of the app.
Repository: Contains ArticlesRemoteRepository .This repo will contact with ServiceApi to fetch the Articles and will send back to respective ViewModel
To run the project use the 12.5 xcode
The project is completed with the unit testing
- MVVM with Coordinator pattern
- Combine
- Storyboard