
This is an Android Application which is built in Java in Android Studio. This application may perform many typical calculation on a single click.

Primary LanguageJava


This is an Android Application which is built in Java in Android Studio. This application may perform many typical calculation on a single click.


🌐 Number Cruncher [Android App]

📲 About App

  • Inspiration : This project is inspired by a Mathematician.

  • What it does : This project is an app by which may perform many typical calculation on a single click.

  • How we built it : We have built and designed the app using Java.

  • Challenges we ran into : As we are new into the UI/UX , so we had faced the problems in designing the application's user interface so that user may get the best experience.

  • Accomplishments that we're proud of : Proper working app is itself the accomplishment we must proud of.

  • What we learned : We learned how to develop an Android App using the concept of Project Management Cycle .

  • What's next for Number Cruncher : Scientifically building the next version.

  • Built With : Java

🧑‍💻 Developer

🌟 Demo

link to demo : https://github.com/shahbazhussaincse/NumberCruncher.apk

🔗 Links

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💻 Tech Stack
