The following instructions to run the NS-3 simulations:
- In terminal navigate to the NS-3 home directory and run the following command ./waf configure -d optimized
- In total 2 files have been modified viz., and have been placed in sperate folder with each case name. Case A E1:
- For the Case A E1, copy file present in the folder AE1 and paste in /ns-3-dev/scratch/ and replace in path /src/wifi/model/
- From the terminal run the following command, ./waf --run "mywifi-pcf enablePcf=0 --nWifi=10 --M=1"
- You can see the output printed in the output screen. For the plots we have used Matlab by copying this data over there
Case A E2:
- For the Case A E2, copy file present in the folder AE2 and replace in /ns-3-dev/scratch and replace in path /src/wifi/model/
- From the terminal run the following command, ./waf --run "mywifi-pcf enablePcf=0 --nWifi=5 --M=1"
- You can see the output printed in the output screen. For the plots we have used Matlab by copying this data over there
Case B E1:
- For the Case B E1, copy file present in the folder AE2 and replace in /ns-3-dev/scratch and replace in path /src/wifi/model/
- From the terminal run the following command, ./waf --run "mywifi-pcf enablePcf=0 --nWifi=10 --M=1"
- You can see the output printed in the output screen. For the plots we have used Matlab by copying this data over there
Case B E2:
For the Case B E2, copy file present in the folder AE2 and replace in /ns-3-dev/scratch and replace in path /src/wifi/model/
From the terminal run the following command, ./waf --run "mywifi-pcf enablePcf=0 --nWifi=10 --M=1"
You can see the output printed in the output screen. For the plots we have used Matlab by copying this data over there
The matlab scripts are also attached in the codes section which have the data for every simulation corresponding to its name, just by running the scripts we get plots
Section 1 : Matlab code folder contains two files
- File 1 : Case A : bianchi_analysisCaseA.m
- To run this function :
- [Throughput,Throughput_perNode] = bianchi_analysisCaseA(cwMin,N)
- enter cwMin = 1 and N = any number of nodes, cwMax in the function is taken as 1023 ( m = 10).
- File 2 : Case B : bianchi_analysisCaseB.m
- To run this function :
- [Throughput,Throughput_perNode] = bianchi_analysisCaseB(cwMin,N)
- enter cwMin = 63 and N = any number of nodes, cwMax in the function is taken as 1023 ( m = 10).