
Streaming Reels/Shorts like Instagram/FB with Jetpack Compose & ExoPlayer in Android

Primary LanguageKotlin

Reels Player

A Jetpack Compose library to Play Videos Like Tiktok/Instagram .

Built with ❤︎ by Shahid Iqbal



💻 Installation

In settings.gradle of app module include this

 maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")

In build.gradle of app module, include this dependency

 implementation ("com.github.Shahidzbi4213:SampleReelsApp:x.y.z")

Please replace x, y and z with the latest version numbers .

Or you can find latest version and changelogs in the releases.

❓ Usage

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    videoList = listOf(VideoSource),
    indexOfVideo = 0,
    config = ReelsConfig(
        playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.FILL,
        videoScalingMode = VideoScalingMode.FIT_WITH_CROPPING,
        repeatMode = RepeatMode.ALL,
        thumbnailDisplayMode = ThumbnailDisplayMode.FILL,
        enableCache = true,
        playerSize = Size(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)
) { page ->
    // Perform Other Operation Based on Page Number

📹 Video Source Types

The ReelsPlayer library supports various video source types. Below is a table summarizing the supported video sources and their usage:

Source Type Description Usage Example
Raw Resources Videos stored in your app’s res/raw directory. videoList = listOf(VideoSource.RawResource(R.raw.video_file))
Assets Videos included in your app’s assets folder. videoList = listOf(VideoSource.AssetResource("asset:///video_file.mp4"))
URLs Videos streamed from external URLs. videoList = listOf(VideoSource.UrlResource("https://example.com/video.mp4"))
HLS Media Videos using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for adaptive bitrate streaming. videoList = listOf(VideoSource.HlsResource("http://streaningvideo.com"))

Each video source type can be specified using the VideoSource enum, which allows for greater flexibility in how videos are integrated and played in your app.

🎛 Player Resize Modes

The PlayerResizeMode enum class defines how the video should be resized to fit within the player view. Below is a table summarizing each resize mode and its behavior:

Resize Mode Description Usage Example
FIT Scales the video to fit within the player view while maintaining its aspect ratio. The entire video is visible. playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.FIT
FILL Scales the video to fill the entire player view, potentially cropping parts of the video to maintain aspect ratio. playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.FILL
ZOOM Scales the video to fill the player view, cropping it if necessary. The video is zoomed in to fill the view completely. playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.ZOOM
FIXED_WIDTH Resizes the video to a fixed width, maintaining its aspect ratio. The height is adjusted accordingly. playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.FIXED_WIDTH
FIXED_HEIGHT Resizes the video to a fixed height, maintaining its aspect ratio. The width is adjusted accordingly. playerResizeMode = PlayerResizeMode.FIXED_HEIGHT

Select the appropriate resize mode based on how you want the video to fit within the player view while preserving the desired visual effect.

🎨 Video Scaling Modes

The VideoScalingMode enum class defines how the video should be scaled to fit within the player view. Below is a table summarizing each scaling mode and its behavior:

Scaling Mode Description Usage Example
DEFAULT Uses the default scaling behavior. Typically, this mode preserves the video’s aspect ratio without additional scaling adjustments. videoScalingMode = VideoScalingMode.DEFAULT
FIT Scales the video to fit within the player view while maintaining its aspect ratio. The entire video is visible. videoScalingMode = VideoScalingMode.FIT
FIT_WITH_CROPPING Scales the video to fit within the player view while maintaining its aspect ratio. The video may be cropped to fit the view completely. videoScalingMode = VideoScalingMode.FIT_WITH_CROPPING

Choose the appropriate scaling mode to control how the video is displayed within the player view, considering aspects like visibility and cropping.

📸 Thumbnail Display Modes

The ThumbnailDisplayMode enum class defines how thumbnails should be displayed in the player view. Below is a table summarizing each display mode and its behavior:

Display Mode Description Usage Example
OFF Disables thumbnail display. No thumbnails will be shown. thumbnailDisplayMode = ThumbnailDisplayMode.OFF
FIT Scales the thumbnail to fit within the player view while maintaining its aspect ratio. The entire thumbnail is visible. thumbnailDisplayMode = ThumbnailDisplayMode.FIT
FILL Scales the thumbnail to fill the entire player view, potentially cropping parts of the thumbnail to maintain aspect ratio. thumbnailDisplayMode = ThumbnailDisplayMode.FILL

Select the appropriate thumbnail display mode based on how you want thumbnails to appear in the player view.

🔁 Repeat Modes

The RepeatMode enum class defines how videos should be repeated during playback. Below is a table summarizing each repeat mode and its behavior:

Repeat Mode Description Usage Example
CURRENT Repeats the current video. When the video finishes, it starts over from the beginning. repeatMode = RepeatMode.CURRENT
ALL Plays all videos in the list sequentially and repeats from the beginning when the end is reached. repeatMode = RepeatMode.ALL

Choose the appropriate repeat mode to control how the videos are replayed during playback.

👨 Developed By

Shahid Iqbal

Twitter Web Medium Linkedin

👍 How to Contribute

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

📃 License

Copyright 2024 Shahid Iqbal

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.