
Close web outside of business hours

Primary LanguageC#

Opening Hours

Web sites have rights. Let them rest with this .NET middleware which will stop all requests outside of opening hours.
Approved by Association of Bureaucrats "Uhljeb"

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    if (env.IsDevelopment())


    // before all other app components but after UseStaticFiles

    app.UseOpeningHours(9, 17);

    // or full configuration:

    app.UseOpeningHours(c => 
        c.FromHour = 9;
        c.ToHour = 17;
        c.Message = "This web works from 9 to 17h every day except Saturday and Sunday";
        c.ClosedWeekdays = new[] { DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday };
        c.LunchBreakAtHour = 12;
        c.LunchBreakDurationMin = 30;
        c.StatusCode = 412;
        c.Bribe = "50$ tip";

    // rest of the app configuration...

Outside of opening hours all requests will be responded with status code 412 and message (all configurable).

To serve request outside of opening hours provide request header OH-Bribe with configured value (if any).

Each blocked request will return headers:

  • OH-ServerTime - current server time
  • OH-OpensAt - when will web open its service


Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpeningHours


Big thanks to Jasen for inspiration!