
Python RESTFul API client module for Fortify's Software Security Center (SSC)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fortify API

Fortify API is a Python RESTFul API client module for Fortify's Software Security Center

Quick Start

Several quick start options are available:

  • Build locally: pip install wheel setuptools && python setup.py build
  • Install with pip (recommended): pip install fortifyapi
  • Download the latest release.


# import the package
from fortifyapi import fortify

# setup fortify ssc connection information
host = 'https://localhost:8443/'

# instantiate the fortify api wrapper
ssc = fortify.FortifyApi(host)

# Do something

Supporting information for each method available can be found in the documentation.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Found something that doesn't seem right or have a feature request? Please open a new issue.

Copyright and License


  • Copyright 2018 Target Brands, Inc.