
web scraper/crawler to find all the boba spots in nyc & calculate which borough has the most using yelp & google maps api.

Primary LanguagePython

Boba Scraper Overview

Simple python scraper/web crawler that runs through each entry for all the pages for each nyc borough to count the total number of boba spots in that certain borough.

Data source


Error Checking

The location aspect of the search returns "near [borough]" and there's two problems this introduces:

  1. repeated values (all boros are near each other).
  2. locations have to be verified (e.g. Manhattan search will include BK results).

Resepctive solutions:

  1. OOP solution: resturuant entry objects with '==' implemented. maintain global list to keep track of data we already saw (and counted).
  2. google maps geoencoding api to verify borough before counting it.


Here's the infromation I have gathered: 
Bronx: 9
Brooklyn: 95
Manhattan: 163
Queens: 107
Staten Island: 16