
Tutorial for joining the 10BPS mainnet

Primary LanguageRustISC LicenseISC

Kaspa on Rust

This repository contains the implementation of the Kaspa full-node and related libraries in the Rust programming language. This is an Alpha version at the initial testing phase, however the node is expected to be fully functional and capable as a drop-in replacement for the Kaspa golang node.

Getting started

  • Install Protobuf (required for grpc)
    • Linux: sudo apt install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
    • Windows: protoc-21.10-win64.zip and add bin dir to Path
    • MacOS: brew install protobuf
  • Install the clang toolchain (required for RocksDB)
    • Linux: apt-get install clang-format clang-tidy clang-tools clang clangd libc++-dev libc++1 libc++abi-dev libc++abi1 libclang-dev libclang1 liblldb-dev libllvm-ocaml-dev libomp-dev libomp5 lld lldb llvm-dev llvm-runtime llvm python3-clang
    • Windows: LLVM-15.0.6-win64.exe and set LIBCLANG_PATH env var pointing to the bin dir of the llvm installation
    • MacOS: Please see Installing clang toolchain on MacOS
  • Install the rust toolchain
  • If you already have rust installed, update it by running: rustup update
  • Install wasm-pack: cargo install wasm-pack
  • Install wasm32 target: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  • Run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa
$ cd rusty-kaspa

Running the node

Run the node through the following command:

$ cargo run --release --bin kaspad

And if you want to setup a test node, run the following command instead:

$ cargo run --release --bin kaspad -- --testnet


Mining is currently supported only on testnet, so once you've setup a test node, follow these instructions:

  • Download and unzip the latest binaries bundle of kaspanet/kaspad.

  • In a separate terminal run the kaspanet/kaspad miner:

$ kaspaminer --testnet --miningaddr kaspatest:qrcqat6l9zcjsu7swnaztqzrv0s7hu04skpaezxk43y4etj8ncwfk308jlcew
  • This will create and feed a DAG with the miner getting block templates from the node and submitting them back when mined. The node processes and stores the blocks while applying all currently implemented logic. Execution can be stopped and resumed, the data is persisted in a database.

  • You can replace the above mining address with your own address by creating one as described here.

Simulation framework (Simpa)

Additionally, the current codebase supports a full in-process network simulation, building an actual DAG over virtual time with virtual delay and benchmarking validation time (following the simulation generation). Execute

cargo run --release --bin simpa -- --help

to see the full command line configuration supported by simpa. For instance, the following command will run a simulation producing 1000 blocks with communication delay of 2 seconds and BPS=8, and attempts to fill each block with up to 200 transactions.

$ cargo run --release --bin simpa -- -t=200 -d=2 -b=8 -n=1000


Logging in kaspad and simpa can be filtered either by defining the environment variable RUST_LOG and/or by adding a --loglevel argument to the command, ie.:

$ (cargo run --bin kaspad -- --loglevel info,kaspa_rpc_core=trace,kaspa_grpc_core=trace,consensus=trace,kaspa_core=trace) 2>&1 | tee ~/rusty-kaspa.log

Tests & Benchmarks

  • To run all current tests use:
$ cd rusty-kaspa
$ cargo test --release
// or install nextest and run
$ cargo nextest run --release
  • To run current benchmarks:
$ cd rusty-kaspa
$ cargo bench

Building WASM

To build rusty-kaspa wasm library, do the following:

cd wasm

This will produce a wasm library in /web-root directory

Installing clang toolchain on MacOS

The default XCode installation of llvm does not support WASM build targets. To build WASM on MacOS you need to install llvm from homebrew (at the time of writing MacOS version is 13.0.1).

brew install llvm

NOTE: depending on your setup, the installation location may be different. To determine the installation location you can type which llvm or which clang and then modify the paths below accordingly.

Add the following to your ~/.zshrc file:

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/include"
export AR=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar

Reload the ~/.zshrc file

source ~/.zshrc

JSON and Borsh RPC protocols

In addition to gRPC, Rusty Kaspa integrates an optional wRPC subsystem. wRPC is a high-performance, platform-neutral, Rust-centric, WebSocket-framed RPC implementation that can use Borsh and JSON protocol encoding. JSON protocol messaging is similar to JSON-RPC 1.0, but differs from the specification due to server-side notifications. Borsh encoding is meant for inter-process communication. When using Borsh both client and server should be built from the same codebase. JSON protocol is based on Kaspa data structures and is data-structure-version agnostic. You can connect to the JSON endpoint using any WebSocket library. Built-in RPC clients for JavaScript and TypeScript capable of running in web browsers and Node.js are available as a part of the Kaspa WASM framework.

Enabling wRPC

wRPC subsystem is disabled by default in kaspad and can be enabled via:

  • --rpclisten-json = <interface:port> for JSON protocol
  • --rpclisten-borsh = <interface:port> for Borsh protocol

wRPC to gRPC Proxy

Proxy providing wRPC to gRPC relay is available in rpc/wrpc/proxy. By default, the proxy server will connect to grpc://127.0.01:16110 while offering wRPC connections on wrpc:// Use --help to see configuration options.

The Proxy server is currently used for testing with the Golang implementation of Kaspad. At the time of writing, the gRPC has only partial messsage translation implementation.

To run the proxy:

cd rpc/wrpc/proxy
cargo run

Native JavaScript & TypeScript RPC clients for Browsers and Node.js environments

Integration in a Browser and Node.js environments is possible using WASM. The JavaScript code is agnostic to which environment it runs in. NOTE: to run in Node.js environment, you must instantiate a W3C WebSocket shim using a WebSocket crate before initializing Kaspa environment: globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;


To test Node.js:

  • Make sure you have Rust and WasmPack installed
  • Start Golang Kaspad
  • Start wRPC proxy
cd rpc/wrpc/wasm
cd nodejs
npm install
node index

You can take a look at rpc/wrpc/wasm/nodejs/index.js to see the use of the native JavaScript & TypeScript APIs.

NOTE: npm install is needed to install WebSocket module. When running in the Browser environment, no additional dependencies are necessary because the browser provides the W3C WebSocket class natively.

Wallet CLI

The wallet CLI is under heavy development. To test the environment you can do the following:

  • Start Golang Kaspad
  • Start wRPC proxy

Native (OS command line):

cd wallet/native
cargo run

Web Browser (WASM):

Run an http server inside of wallet/wasm/web folder. If you don't have once, you can use basic-http-server.

cd wallet/wasm/web
cargo install basic-http-server

The basic-http-server will serve on port 4000 by default, so open your web browser and load http://localhost:4000

The framework is compatible with all major desktop and mobile browsers.

Using Wallet CLI

This project is under heavy development and currently demonstrates only the RPC data exchange and address generation using the native or WASM wallet library.

Here are the few commands that work:
