
Sample App for Charge API in Credit Card Terminal for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


The ChargeDemo source code demonstrates how to implement 2-way integration for accepting credit card payments using Credit Card Terminal for iPhone.

ChargeDemo supplies a single charge button. When it's tapped, a URL request is made to Credit Card Terminal in order to accept a credit card payment. When the user is done with Credit Card Terminal, ChargeDemo will be launched via its URL handler for com-innerfence-ChargeDemo://.

Protocol details are provided below in the case that you cannot or do not wish to use our Objective-C classes.

Please visit our Developer API page to see how the user experience flow will be like.


  • Add the IFChargeRequest.h, IFChargeRequest.m, IFChargeResponse.h, and IFChargeResponse.m files to your Xcode project.

  • Make sure your application is registered to handle a URL scheme in your Info.plist. For example:

  • Request payment by creating an IFChargeRequest object, setting its properties, and calling its submit method. Be sure to set the returnURL property. Consider using setReturnURL:withExtraParams: to automatically include extra parameters in the query string. For example:
IFChargeRequest* chargeRequest =
    [[[IFChargeRequest alloc] init] autorelease];

// Include my record_id so it comes back with the response
    withExtraParams:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
        @"123", @"record_id",

chargeRequest.amount        = @"50.00";
chargeRequest.description   = @"Test transaction";
chargeRequest.invoiceNumber = @"321";

// Include a tax rate if you want Credit Card terminal to calculate
// sales tax. If you pass in @"default", we'll use the default sales
// tax preset by the user. If you leave it as nil, we’ll hide the
// sales tax option from the user.
chargeRequest.taxRate = @"8.5";

[chargeRequest submit];
  • Handle charge responses in your app delegate’s application:handleOpenURL: by creating an IFChargeResponse object using initWithURL:. Use the responseCode property to determine if the transaction was successful. For example:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL*)url
    IFChargeResponse* chargeResponse =
        [[[IFChargeResponse alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];

    // My record_id from the request is available in the extraParams
    // dictionary.
    NSString* recordId = [chargeResponse.extraParams objectForKey:@"record_id"];

    // Since this value is from the URL, I need to validate it.
    if ( !IsValidRecordId( recordId ) )
        // handle error

    if ( chargeResponse.responseCode == kIFChargeResponseCodeApproved )
        // Transaction succeeded, check out these properties:
        //  * chargeResponse.transactionId
        //  * chargeResponse.amount (includes tax and tip)
        //  * chargeResponse.taxAmount
        //  * chargeResponse.taxRate
        //  * chargeResponse.tipAmount
        //  * chargeResponse.cardType
        //  * chargeResponse.redactedCardNumber
        // Transaction failed.


The Charge request is simply a set of query string parameters which are appended to a Base URL. Be sure to properly encode the query string parameters.

Base URL: com-innerfence-ccterminal://charge/1.0.0/

  • returnAppName - your app's name, displayed to give the user context
  • returnURL - your app's URL handler, see PROTOCOL RESPONSE
  • returnImmediately - if set to 1, the returnURL will be called with the result immediately instead of waiting for the end user to tap through the “Approved” screen
  • fm - if set to 1, the FileMaker-compatible response format will be used
  • amount - amount of the transaction (e.g. 10.99, 1.00, 0.90)
  • amountFixed - if set to 1, the amount (subtotal) will be unchangable. If tips or sales tax is enabled, the final amount can still differ
  • taxRate - sales tax rate to apply to amount (e.g. 8, 8.5, 8.25, 8.125)
  • currency - currecy code of amount (e.g. USD)
  • email - customer's email address for receipt
  • firstName - billing first name
  • lastName - billing lastName
  • company - billing company name
  • address - billing street address
  • city - billing city
  • state - billing state or province (e.g. TX, ON)
  • zip - billing zip or postal code
  • phone - billing phone number
  • country - billing country code (e.g. US)
  • invoiceNumber - merchant-assigned invoice number
  • description - description of goods or services

Here is a simple example. Please note the correct encoding of parameters:



When the request includes a returnURL, the results of the charge will be returned via the URL by including additional query string parameters. These parameters all begin with ifcc_ to avoid conflict with any query parameters your app may already recognize.

  • ifcc_responseType - approved, cancelled, declined, or error
  • ifcc_transactionId - transaction id (e.g. 100001)
  • ifcc_amount - amount charged (e.g. 10.99)
  • ifcc_currency - currency of amount (e.g. USD)
  • ifcc_taxAmount - tax portion from amount (e.g. 0.93)
  • ifcc_taxRate - tax rate applied to original amount (e.g. 8.5)
  • ifcc_tipAmount - tip portion from amount (e.g. 1.50)
  • ifcc_redactedCardNumber - redacted card number (e.g. XXXXXXXXXXXX1111)
  • ifcc_cardType - card type: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Maestro, Solo, or Unknown

Here is a simple example:


When the fm=1 parameter is included in the original request, the response is modified by including a dollar-sign ($) before each query value so that they can be accessed by FileMaker Go scripts. For instance, instead of ifcc_responseType=success, $ifcc_responseType=success.


  • README.markdown

This file.


A copy of the MIT License, under which you may reuse any of the source code in this sample.

  • Classes/IFChargeRequest.h
  • Classes/IFChargeRequest.m
  • Classes/IFChargeResponse.h
  • Classes/IFChargeResponse.m

The IFChargeRequest and IFChargeResponse classes. Copy these files into your own XCode project. There are no external dependencies other than libc, Foundation, and UIKit.

  • ChargeDemoViewController.xib
  • Classes/ChargeDemoViewController.h
  • Classes/ChargeDemoViewController.m

A very simple view controller that provides a single Charge button. When the button is tapped, an IFChargeRequest object is created and submitted.

  • Info.plist

Registers the com-innerfence-ChargeDemo:// URL scheme.

  • Classes/ChargeDemoAppDelegate+HandleURL.m

Handles the URL request, using IFChargeResponse to process the result of the charge request.

  • ChargeDemo_Prefix.pch
  • Classes/ChargeDemoAppDelegate.h
  • Classes/ChargeDemoAppDelegate.m
  • main.m
  • MainWindow.xib

These files are all stock as generated by XCode.

  • ChargeDemo.xcodeproj/

An XCode project for building this sample.