A python script, that searches und replaces whole(!) strings with regex. You can specify a path of operation or a single file. If nothing is choosen, the current working directory is used.
Please provide these arguments:
-r <search_string> <replace_string> = replace string in every file in current working directory.
-d <"{'old'':'new','old2':'new2'}"> = replace strings from in every file in current working or "PATH" directory.
-f <search_string> = Find string in files in current working directory.
-p = Define Path or file for your action. If not spcified, the current working directory will be used.
find_replace.py -r old_string new_string -p "C:\choose\dir"
Working directory:C:\Users\risshend\Documents\PyCharm\find_replace
File 'C:\Users\test\Documents\find_replace\new.txt' changed 2 times!
File 'C:\Users\test\Documents\find_replace\second.txt' changed 1 times!
Total files changed: 2