
This is added as test1 for UtilizeCore

Primary LanguageRuby


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

    • 2.7.1
  • Database creation

    • bin setup
  • How to run the test suite

    • rails test:all
  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

    • clone git repo
    • run bin/setup
    • run rails s
    • whenever --update-crontab
    • done

List Of Issues / Implemented Features:

  1. Cost accepting 0 and negative values, any chars (Solved)
  2. Cost presence check (Solved)
  3. Weight accepting 0 and negative values, any chars (Solved)
  4. Parcels#update throws an error, when any validation fails (Solved)
  5. while creating parcel sender and receiver cannot be the same, backend validation (Solved)
  6. Mobile Number validation (Solved)
  7. Email validation (Solved)
  8. Cant update users (Solved)
  9. User destroy feature should be implemented as one of the below (Solved with point 2)
    1. Should not be able to destroy user if any parcel exists for this user
    2. implement is_deactivated for user table (Implemented this solution from a better product perspective)
      1. If any user is deactivated and the user has many parcels, then all the parcels will show (Deactivated) text in the sender/receiver column
    3. implement dependent_destroy
  10. Create tracking id feature for every parcel (Solved)
    1. Send mail feature (no smtp server setup)
  11. Search via tracking id (Solved)
  12. N+1 query problem in List addresses (Solved)
  13. N+1 query problem in List parcel (Solved)
  14. Fixed all the testcases and updated exsiting and added new cases


  1. Sign Up/Login module (Done)
    1. Authorization module for admin only actions (is_admin column)
    2. Other user actions
  2. Search parcel should be publicly accessible (Done)
  3. Admin user can update status of parcel (Done)
  4. On every update of status the email should be sent to the user (Done)
  5. Create a new route for reports (Done)
  6. Create a report every 12:00 am and save it to a db (Done)

Additional Issues

  1. Editing parcel should not be able to change sender and receiver
  2. search feature in sender and receiver id while creating parcel, so that all the user will not be directly listed
  3. Pagination can be applied on all listing pages
  4. Additional bugs might have introduced by adding features