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APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection
This program was made as a Final Project for one of my courses, the main purpose of which is to create a COVID-19 board simulator. It works with data from binary file, consisting information about the virus cases in South Korea, details of which can be added, deleted, viewed, editted only by software itself. Also program provides statistics for each city of country, a list of infected people in total, and has built-in search to find information about specific infected person.
APTnotes data
The mobile application for viewing the movies. Has also account creation features.
This is the repository for the class of AI Project
The main purpose of this project is to understand MIPS Assembly language. The input of this program is a file consisting sequence of MIPS instructions in binary. Software simulates behaviour of MIPS CPU by reading instructions and changing values of registers. At the end program prints out the current value of the registers, which matcheswith the expected output on a real MIPS processor.
The main purpose of this project is to understand MIPS Assembly language. The input of this program is a file consisting sequence of MIPS instructions in binary. This version expands the first to implement behaviour of cache. At the end of the execution, the simulator reports the number of total cache hits and misses. These programs contain 500+ and 700+ lines of C/C++ code respectively.
The web application called ShakES Watches for selling and viewing the watches
The attempt to implement the complex logic in the wordle game. Done for mobile application
The mobile application for playing the wordle game.
ShakYld's Repositories
APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection
This program was made as a Final Project for one of my courses, the main purpose of which is to create a COVID-19 board simulator. It works with data from binary file, consisting information about the virus cases in South Korea, details of which can be added, deleted, viewed, editted only by software itself. Also program provides statistics for each city of country, a list of infected people in total, and has built-in search to find information about specific infected person.
APTnotes data
The mobile application for viewing the movies. Has also account creation features.
This is the repository for the class of AI Project
The main purpose of this project is to understand MIPS Assembly language. The input of this program is a file consisting sequence of MIPS instructions in binary. Software simulates behaviour of MIPS CPU by reading instructions and changing values of registers. At the end program prints out the current value of the registers, which matcheswith the expected output on a real MIPS processor.
The main purpose of this project is to understand MIPS Assembly language. The input of this program is a file consisting sequence of MIPS instructions in binary. This version expands the first to implement behaviour of cache. At the end of the execution, the simulator reports the number of total cache hits and misses. These programs contain 500+ and 700+ lines of C/C++ code respectively.
The web application called ShakES Watches for selling and viewing the watches
The attempt to implement the complex logic in the wordle game. Done for mobile application
The mobile application for playing the wordle game.
This is an ordering system simulator writtten on JAVA and using WindowBuilder
It is essential for Computer Science field to know at least basic sorting algoritms. And sometimes it is hard to study them and understand how each of them works. That is the reason why I created this application to make this process easier. My application was written on Java using WindowBuilder plugin and for now has 6 algoritms in it: HeapSort, InsertionSort, MergeSort, QuickSort, SelectionSort and BubbleSort. This project consists of 11 separate files and has 1000+ lines of code in total.
This is an ordering system simulator on C