
The point of this project is to practice serializing with protocol buffers in an Elixir project. I'm using proto3, because why not. I'm using protobuf over exprotobuf because the latter doesn't seem to be in active development.

Slight revision to the instructions from the protobuf package:

  1. Download and install the procol buffer compiler (protoc). On MacOS, brew install protoc
  • Note: This package is not idempotent, so if you already have it the install will fail (probably around the symlink step)
  1. Install the Elixir plugin for protoc, protoc-gen-elixir. Either add PATH=~/.mix/escripts:$PATH to your bash or zsh profile or, if you used asdf to install elixir, run asdf reshim and then verify that protoc-gen-elixir works: mix escript.install hex protobuf
  2. Create your *.proto file. (i.e. helloworld.proto).
  • In my case I keep the proto files in their own directory: lib/protobuf_exp/protos
  • I also create an output folder for the generated Elixir modules: lib/protobuf_exp/generated
  1. Generate Elixir code for your proto file... protoc --elixir_out="./lib/protobuf_exp/protos/" --proto_path="./lib/protobuf_exp/protos/" --elixir_opt=package_prefix=protobuf_exp.protos helloworld.proto
    • The protobuf package has a bunch of optional flags. One that I think should be on by default is preserving prefixes. Who wants to top level namespace their serialization? Maybe I'm the weird one...
      ...which will create an Elixir file (*.pb.ex) and module like so:
  @moduledoc false
  use Protobuf, protoc_gen_elixir_version: "0.10.0", syntax: :proto3

  field :name, 1, type: :string

defmodule Helloworld.HelloReply do
  @moduledoc false
  use Protobuf, protoc_gen_elixir_version: "0.10.0", syntax: :proto3

  field :message, 1, type: :string
  1. Encode and Decode your data using structs:
struct = %Foo{a: 3.2, c: %Foo.Bar{}}
encoded = Foo.encode(struct)
struct = Foo.decode(encoded)

Useful Resources: protobuf Elixir gRPC gRPC proto3 Reference Guide

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

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