
👀 Swift iOS implementation of the Android SnackBar used in some Google Apps

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version Carthage compatible License

Platform Devices Doc

MJSnackBar is a pure Swift implementation of the Android SnackBar which is very useful to display short informations and allow user to perform an action about it. It automatically disappear after a delay that you can set.

MJSnackBar demo


CocoaPods :

MJSnackBar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

 pod "MJSnackBar"		

Carthage :

You can use Carthage to include MJSnackBar into your project. Just add this dependency to your Cartfile:

  github "Shakarang/MJSnackBar"

Example Project

The included example project provides a demonstration of MJSnackBar. It's a UITableView with a little ToDo list. When you delete an item, the MJSnackBar is presented with a button allowing user to undo that action.

Usage :

Preconfigured way :

When instantiating the MJSnackBar, you have to pass, as a parameter, the view it will be shown on.

let snackBar = MJSnackBar(onView: self.view)

Configuration :

It is a UIView subclass, so you are free to change the same properties like the backgroundColor, etc..

However, there are some MJSnackBar properties that you can modify.

    /// Animation duration
    public var animationDuration: Double = 0.4

    /// How long the SnackBar will be shown
    public var timeSnackBarShown: Double = 2.0

    /// SnackBar height
    public var snackBarDefaultHeight: CGFloat = 48.0

    /// Allow the SnackBar height to automatically adjust
    /// its height based on the content
    public var allowHeightChange: Bool = true

    /// SnackBar margins
    public var spaceBetweenElements: CGFloat = 24.0

    /// SnackBar side margins to view
    public var sideMargins: CGFloat = 0.0

    /// SnackBar bottom margin to view
    public var bottomMargin: CGFloat = 0.0

    /// SnackBar internal content margin
    public var elementsTopBottomMargins: CGFloat = 14.0

    /// Font of displayed message
    public var messageFont: UIFont? = nil

    /// Font of action button
    public var actionFont: UIFont? = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: UIFont.labelFontSize)

    /// Message text color
    public var messageColor: UIColor = .white

    /// Action text color
    public var actionColorColor: UIColor = .red

Data :

To show the MJSnackBar, you have to create a MJSnackBarData instance and call a specific method :

  let data = MJSnackBarData(withIdentifier: indexPath.row, message: msg, andActionMessage: "UNDO", objectSaved: dataArray[indexPath.row])

  snackbar.show(data: data, onView: self.view)

When showing the information to the user, you will often do an action behind it. To help you handle the different events, the MJSnackBarData comes with multiple fields :

  • identifier (Optional) : Int, help you identify the data.
  • message : String, the message that will be displayed.
  • actionMessage (Optional) : String, the action message that will be displayed.
  • objectSaved (Optional) : Any, the object concerned by the data. You can retrieve it by casting it.

Handle events :

To be able to handle the different events, you have to implement 3 methods which come with the MJSnackBarDelegate. They let you know when a MJSnackBar is displayed, hidden, or if a user performed an action on it.

To tell the bar that your class can handle its events :

  snackbar.delegate = self
extension ViewController: MJSnackBarDelegate {

    func snackBarDisappeared(with data: MJSnackBarData, reason: MJSnackBar.EndShowingType) {
        print("👻 SnackBar disappeared \(data.message) - Reason : \(reason)")

    func snackBarAppeared(with data: MJSnackBarData) {
        print("⭐ SnackBar appeared \(data.message)")

    func snackBarActionTriggered(with data: MJSnackBarData) {

        print("👆 SnackBar touched \(data.message)")

        if let id = data.id {

            let indexPath = IndexPath(row: id, section: 0)

            if let originalData = data.originalObject as? String {
                self.dataArray.insert(originalData, at: id)

            self.examplTableView.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)

Contribution :

Feel free to fork the project or to give it a ⭐