
The idea behind strategy-configs is to offer an up-to-date repository with Release Strategies' configuration files examples and workflows to validate them.

To include this repository as part of your workflow and keep adding new files, fork this repository and use the example config file as a starting point.


This repository defines a GitHub workflow that runs every single time a new Pull Request is opened. This workflow will get all the new configuration files, added or modified, and will ensure that they follow the specification.

In case that the validation of any of the new files fails, the CI will show an error and a small description of the problem.

Getting the latest changes

From time to time, the HACBS Release team will update the schema that validates the configuration files in this repository. This could be an update to fix errors in the current schema, or the addition of a new feature.

To get the latest changes into your repo, sync your fork either from the UI or from the command line.

Configuration examples

This repository contains an example configuration file with all the features that can be used in HACBS Release Strategies. For more information on the values you can set for each field, we recommend taking a look at the schema used to validate configuration files.