
CSE2253- Web Application And Development Lab. "A Django REST API repository with fully functional rule implementation."

Primary LanguagePython

Name : Abdullah Numan Shakil.
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering.
University of Rajshahi.

REST-API Using Django REST Framework of Python.

Basically this API contains two models one is Breed and another one is Dog. You can change your model according to your requred purphase but steps are almost similar.

Some Steps for Working Easily

Step-1: Creating Virtual Environment

Step-2: Installing django: pip install django

Step-3: Upgrading django: pip install --upgrade pip (If necessary)

Step-4: Checking django version: django-admin --version

Step-5: Installing djangorestframework: pip install djangorestframework

Step-6: Creating a new project inside your main project: django-admin startproject dangoProject

Step-7: Creating a new app inside your main project: python manage.py startapp api

Step-8: Creating two new python file inside our app:-> 1: urls.py 2: serializers.py

Step-9: Now you will modify the requred 7 files according to following:

(this 2 files of your 'dangoProject' project): step: setting.py -> urls.py
(this 5 files of your 'api' app): step: models.py -> admin.py -> serializers.py -> views.py -> urls.py