
Simplified Laravel repository for mastering CRUD operations in web development.

Primary LanguagePHP

Working Rules for this project.

Name: Abdullah Numan Shakil
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Rajshahi.
  1. Create a laravel project with the following command:
    php artisan create-project laravel/laravel project-name
  1. Configure the .env file such as renaming the database name, if the key is not generated, use the following command:
    php artisan key:generate
  1. Now migrate the initial migration provided with the laravel project:
    php artisan migrate
  1. Now create a migration for the books table which is associated with the Book Model by default.
    php artisan make:migration create_books_table
  1. Now configure the migration file as the table schema is defined such as:
    Schema::create('books', function (Blueprint $table) {
  1. Now migrate the create_books_table migration provided with the laravel project:
    php artisan migrate
  1. Now there is no data in the books table, we have to use a factory and seeder to auto generate some data using the faker package.
    a. For the factory, use the following command:

            php artisan make:factory BookFactory --model=Book

    b. Then define the faker properties in the definition function:

    return [
                'title' => fake()->name(),
                'author' => fake()->unique()->name(),
                'isbn' => fake()->isbn13(),
                'price' => fake()->randomFloat(2, 10, 1000), // (no. of digits, min. max)
                'available' => fake()->numberBetween(0,10),

    c. Then create a seeder such as BookSeeder:

            php artisan make:seeder BookSeeder

    d. Call the BookSeeder class from the DatabaseSeeder class:


    e. Now run the seeder with the following command:

    php artisan db:seed
  2. Now create a Model for example Book with the following command:

    php artisan make:model Book
  1. Now create the controller BookController associated with the Book model by the following command
    php artisan make:controller BookController –model=Book
  1. Now we have to define the route in which we want to see the book list, by configuring the routes/web.php file.
   use App\Http\Controllers\BookController;
   Route::get('/books',[BookController::class, 'index'])->name('books.index');
  1. Now we have to configure the index function of the BookController class for showcasing all the book lists.

  2. Configure the App\Providers\appServiceProvider class to enable bootstrap pagination:

    Use books->links() to implement it after the table.