1. PHP version 8.0.2 or above 2. Composer 3. Node JS 4. Laravel Version 10The hospital management system is a Laravel-based project where there are a total of 6 types of users are roles. They are:
###.....User Types.....### 0-->Defeulat USer/ Regular User/ Patient 1-->Super Admin (Has access to all sections) 2-->Doctor (Each Doctor can manage his/her own patient, appointment) 3-->Food Manager( Can manage food and take order form customer) 4-->Reciptionist 5-->Lab & Medicine
We don't usually think about food delivery systems the same way we think about hospital delivery systems. But with the foot delivery system, it's a bit different. It's kind of like the main theme of the project, which is the love and marriage between the main admin doctor and the receptionist. It's not uncommon to have a food crisis while in the hospital or to need to bring food to the hospital. Now that everything is so digital, it's important that the food delivery system is connected to the hospital's online system. So, in this system, you can just log in to your profile and order the food from there. There won't be any of the card-like systems we see on food sites and e-commerce sites. You'll see the list of food right on the page. Once you've chosen the food, you'll see a new form in front of you. You'll have to choose how much food you want and enter the room number and total bill.
The Food Manager can only manage food. He/she can Add food Manage dood and see order and delivers
Here the valid user can only see and manage appointments and user's query
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