It's a web application for travelers who wish to explore various places around them. ITER - Travel in latin
Sorts places for travellers who are cautious about the travelling distance and weather condition including temperature of the locations. Accurately pin points and displays the locations!.
- Displays weather
- Displays distance
- Displays temperature
- Points on map
- waterfalls
- hills
- point of intrest
- tourist attraction
Use the package manager pip to install .
pip install requests
We get the current location of the user and display information for trips from google api and weather api to the user . Since nearby API shows places around 50KM radius so we calculate the distance and direction in all 8 direction ,then we calculate the farthest point on each direction and search for the places and information from that point,this is done for all farthest point .(Distance and Directions are calculated using co-ordinates)
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.