Virtual Dynamic ID Card

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Virtual Dynamic ID Card

VDIC is a tag which we will be providing to every community member of e-DAM.

This is A Business Card, A Membership Card, A Technical Portfolio and A Key to many places, in your pocket.

Validation - We will be getting Industrial Mentors, and We will come up with a set of Rules and Regulations which a person has to complete to go up the ladder. We will brainstorm more ideas, to automate the validation process.

Advantages to Community Members

  1. A Tag which will keep you under a spotlight and describe you technology knowledge and experience through a card.

Advantages to Hackathon/Start-ups/HRs/Students/Colleges

  1. Save time, energey and resources when a Hackathon is trying to verify is a student knows the technology to participate in the hackathon.
  2. Save time, energey and resources when a Start-Up/Company is trying to Hire students as Interns/Full time.
  3. As these tags are out there, we will recognise the number of developer/designers/tech enthusiasts around themselves, without spending alot of time.

Credibility -

  1. Industrial Mentors will be validating the levels of CMs.
  2. Partnerships with other organisations and taking their support in using VDIC as a key to events/conferences/short-cut. Need to brainstorm more ideas.

This card will be available in Soft Copy, Hard Copy, and as a URL. Every Community Members will be getting their own profile/professional page, where all the details about their working, projects, and contribuitions will be available. edam.tech/abhisheknagaraja edam.tech/vivekanadagavini

Figma Wireframe - https://www.figma.com/file/Rzu9Mj5QdBqBVsi53t9QwL/eDAM

Different Levels of e-DAM (Can and will be changed) All These Levels will be in a form of pool format, as a group of people according to their growth.

Factors Deciding to Judge the levels - 1. Level of knowledge on technology. 2. Level of experience on technology. 3. Number of contributions, internships etc done by the community member.

  1. Level 0 All Community Members who recently joined.
  2. Level 1 Community Members who started learning a technology, after getting hooked on more than one. For Example - Web - HTML App - Installation and understanding concepts of Flutter. UI - Using Figma, and Basic Wireframes.
  3. Level 2 CM who completed half or some part of the technology and started practial implimentation or working on a project. For Example - Web - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and started cloning a webpage. App - Started working on a game or small application. UI - Usability Testing, and Wireframe of an application.
  4. Level 3 CM who is good at the Medium level of a technology, and implimented atleast 2 projects. For Example - Web Dev (HTML, CSS and JS are done, and cloned two webpages.) App -
    UI -
  5. Level 4 CM who has got a good understanding of any technology and has completed 5 projects, and worked or working in more than one internship.
  6. Level 5 CM who is able to build a proper application or design a website according to the requirements.
  7. Level 6 - Pro CM Who really good at a technology, and worked on more than 5 Projects, 2 Internships, and more contributions in open-sources.