
EnhancedPokemonReviewApp represents a culmination of knowledge acquired from esteemed courses and experts in ASP.NET Core Web API development. Integrating insights from Teddy Smith's tutorial series, Kevin Docks' advanced features, and Pluralsight's in-depth courses, the application boasts a robust architecture and modern approach. Leveraging Julie Lerman's EF Core mastery ensures an efficient and scalable data access layer, while LINQ expertise from Paul Sheriff optimizes query logic. Defensive coding principles from Deborah Kurata fortify the application against vulnerabilities, and Gil Cleerne's ASP.NET Core insights contribute to industry-standard practices. This project is a dynamic synthesis of continuous learning, promising ongoing evolution to incorporate the latest advancements in ASP.NET Core Web API development.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

PokemonReviewApp is a practical demonstration of building a functional ASP.NET Core Web API, featuring:

  1. Models and Relationships:

    • Defining data models for Pokemon, Owners, Categories, and Reviews.
    • Establishing relationships between these entities.
  2. Entity Framework Core:

    • Integrating Entity Framework Core for efficient database operations.
  3. Controllers and Actions:

    • Creating controllers for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
    • Implementing actions for managing Pokemon, Owners, and Categories.
  4. Dependency Injection and Repository Pattern:

    • Employing dependency injection for modularity and testability.
    • Utilizing the repository pattern for data access.
  5. Searching, Filtering, Sorting and Pagination:

    • Implementing functionality for searching and filtering Pokemon, Owners, and Categories.
    • Introducing sorting options for better data organization.
    • Implementing pagination to efficiently manage large datasets.
  6. Versioning:

    • Incorporating versioning to manage API changes over time.
  7. Documentation:

    • Documenting API endpoints for enhanced developer experience.
    • Leveraging Swagger UI for interactive API documentation.
  8. Error Handling:

    • Handling errors and providing appropriate HTTP status codes.

Key Features

  • Pokemon Management:

    • Create, read, update, and delete Pokemon.
    • Associate Pokemon with Owners and Categories.
    • Post and manage reviews for each Pokemon.
  • Owner Management:

    • Create, read, update, and delete Owners.
    • Associate Owners with Pokemon.
  • Category Management:

    • Create, read, update, and delete Categories.
    • Associate Categories with Pokemon.
  • JWT Authentication:

    • Implement secure user registration.
    • Generate authentication tokens for users.
    • Manage user roles securely.
  • Interactive API Documentation:

    • Explore and test API endpoints using Swagger UI.

Lessons Learned

During the development of PokemonReviewApp, we've gained valuable insights into:

  • Building a structured ASP.NET Core Web API application.
  • Implementing data models and relationships.
  • Leveraging Entity Framework Core for efficient database operations.
  • Designing controllers and actions for CRUD operations.
  • Promoting modularity and testability through dependency injection and the repository pattern.
  • Implementing validation attributes with custom error messages on my Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
  • Developing a custom class for attribute validation, extending the default validation capabilities provided by ASP.NET Core. This class allows for more sophisticated validation logic.
  • Handling invalid model state responses by reporting them as validation issues. This ensures that clients receive appropriate HTTP status codes and detailed information about validation errors.
  • Enhancing the developer experience with interactive API documentation using Swagger UI.
  • Adding searching and filtering functionality for improved data retrieval.
  • Managing API versioning to accommodate changes over time.
  • Implementing secure user registration and authentication using JWT.
  • Documenting API endpoints for better clarity and understanding.

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your-username/PokemonReviewApp.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd PokemonReviewApp
  3. Restore NuGet packages: dotnet restore
  4. Run the application: dotnet run


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request.