
Development Docker image for the Veracruz privacy-preserving compute project. Veracruz is an adopted project of the Confidential Compute Consortium (CCC).

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Building Veracruz

This is the repository for the Docker container used for developing Veracruz. Veracruz is an open-source runtime for collaborative privacy-preserving compute. The main Veracruz repository can be found here.

Veracruz is an adopted project of the Confidential Compute Consortium (CCC).

Supported platforms

  • Intel SGX
  • Arm TrustZone


  • Docker: We use Docker to provide a consistent build environment. Follow this guide to install Docker if necessary.

  • Enable Docker squash experimental feature: The tests are done on a linux machine. To enable docker experimental features on another OS. We use the squash docker experimental feature to help reduce the Veracruz docker image size, to enable this feature:

    • run:
      sudo service docker stop
    • copy the following in /etc/docker/daemon.json
          "experimental": true
    • run:
      sudo service docker start
  • Intel Attestation Service access token (IAS_Token) Only if building on an Intel platform: You can get this token by following these steps:

    • Create an account here
    • Once Signed in, under Development Access, select either Subscribe (linkable) or Subscribe (unlinkable) then subscribe.
    • Two keys will be generated, Primary and Secondary key, either of these keys can be used as your IAS_Token.

Local build setup

Once all the necessary requirements are available, run the following commands:

  • Clone the Veracruz repository: This will pull the docker submodule

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/veracruz-project/veracruz.git 
    export VERACRUZ_ROOT=$PWD/veracruz
  • Once you have a local copy of the Veracruz source:

    cd veracruz/docker

The following instructions depend on the platform you're building for. (SGX, Arm TZ)

Note that building the Docker image will take a long time (we appreciate any suggestions on how this can be sped up!)

  • Build Instructions for SGX

    make build TEE=sgx 
  • Build Instructions for Arm TrustZone

    make build TEE=tz
  • Starting the veracruz container

    make sgx-run IAS_TOKEN=<your Intel Attestation Service token>

    or (for trustzone):

    make tz-run

There should be a Docker container running called "veracruz". To verify that it's running, run: docker ps

You can now start a shell in the newly created container:

docker exec -u <your username> -it 'veracruz' bash

Test Instructions for SGX

You can manually build Veracruz by running:

source /work/veracruz/sgx_env.sh

cd /work/veracruz
make sgx

With that, all major sub-components of Veracruz (including the SDK) will be built for SGX.

Now, to run the Veracruz server tests. Simply run:

cd /work/veracruz
make sgx-veracruz-server-test

You should see that all (7) tests pass. Now, to run the full system integration tests:

make sgx-veracruz-test

All (8) tests should pass.

Test Instructions for TrustZone

Once inside the container, setup your local environment:

cd /work/rust-optee-trustzone-sdk/
source environment
source $CARGO_HOME/env

Now that your environment is set up, build the enclave binary by executing the trustzone build target in the root directory of Veracruz:

make trustzone

Everything is now built for TrustZone, and the Veracruz server and Veracruz integration tests can now be run:

make trustzone-veracruz-server-test


make trustzone-veracruz-test

will execute both of these testsuites. You, again, should see 7 and 8 tests executing and passing, respectively.

Cleaning a build

The Veracruz Makefile exposes a build target, clean, which recursively invokes cargo clean for each major subcomponent of the project. However, sometimes this is not enough to fix a broken build environment (note that this is common when using xargo to build e.g. the examples, or the rest of the SDK). In that case, it is useful to also delete the contents of the ~/.xargo directory, in addition to the standard clean build process described above.

What to do when your kernel version changes

Note: All of the commands below need to be run on the host operating system, not inside a Docker container.

When your Linux kernel gets updated, it does not update the SGX kernel module with it, and therefore this needs to be rebuilt and reinstalled. You can tell when this has happened by running:

sudo lsmod | grep sgx

If you get no results, you need to reinstall the SGX kernel module.

Following the directions for installing the module for your new kernel from here: https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx-driver.

Rebuild the linux-sgx-driver by running make, then:

sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"
sudo cp isgx.ko "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"
sudo /sbin/depmod
sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx

Generating the certificates

Cryptographic certificates can be generated by using the following openssl invocation:

openssl req -new -x509 -key <key filename> -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -out <certificate filename> -config cert.conf