
OpenGL based version of Acid Cam without an interface controlled with keyboard/controllers

Primary LanguageC++





This project requires a system with a good enough graphics card to be running OpenGL 3.3 or greater. It will not work on lower specs.

To be able to download and run binaries from this project you will need to enter the terminal and type

sudo spctl --master-disable

Then go to System settings and select Security & Privacy. Select Anywhere as the location of apps.

How to compile for macOS:


Playlist of Tutorials/Demos:


This project is still in very early stages of development. This project is an implementation of Acid Cam using OpenGL/Shaders. It is designed more for visualizations or live streaming with OBS versus a Video Editor like the other versions of Acid Cam. The program is controlled with the qwerty keyboard but, currently looking into MIDI.

How to compile on macOS:

This project reqeuires libacidcam,GLFW,GLEW,OpenGL,OpenCV

First install homebrew: https://brew.sh

Then install GLFLW,GLEW,OpenGL,OpenCV

brew install glfw3 glew opencv

Dependending on what you have installed this could take quite some time. You can choose to statically compile

Next download libacidcam:

git clone https://github.com/lostjared/libacidcam.git

Enter the directory

cd libacidcam

Create a build directory

mkdir build && cd build

Configure the project:

cmake ..

Build the project

make -j4

Install the project:

sudo make install

Next download acidcamGL:

    git clone https://github.com/lostjared/acidcamGL.git

Enter the directory

    cd acidcamGL

Create a build directory

    mkdir build && cd build

Configure the project:

    cmake ..

Build the project

    make -j4

for macOS static build with Syphon enter the macos-static directory and

make -j4

You will still need to use install_name_tool on an app bundle see copy.sh for how I do it

Run the program:

./acidcamGL -g -p ../filters

The default Resolution is:

Camera: 1280x720 FPS: 24 Window Size: 1280x720

you can change that using arguments passed to the program How to use the program:


-X codec
-o output filename
-S filter start index
-H shader start index
-C set color map
-T set material texture filename
-N play list slideshow timeout
-k shortcut-key file
-L playlist of filters
-b restore black
-g output debug strings
-u fps
-n print filter name
-e snapshot prefix
-p shader path
-M monitor index
-f fullscreen (resize)
-F fullscreen (windowed mode)
-d capture device
-i input_video.mp4
-R loop input video
-x Stereo Mode
-r resolution 1920x1080
-c Camera resolution 1280x720
-G Screen Capture Mode
-Y Enable Syphon Server
-U Screen Capture Position X,Y
-P Redirect Standard Output to Socket
-W custom filter path
-B enable playback filter mode
-q shuffle playlist
-w beats per minute for shuffle
-l list filters
-t list filters no info
-l list search
-v version
-4 enable ffmpeg x264 support
-5 enable ffmpeg x265 support
-m crf for x265 for video mode
--mux outputted_file source_file [ Mux audio (copy audio) ]


L - enable disable playlist
N - set index to the end
P - index reset to zero
K - jump forward index by 25
J - jump backwar index by 25
Z - take screenshot
H - Shuffle Playlist
M - Enable/Disable Playlist Slideside random timeout
F - process keyboard input for index
S - process keyboard input for shader
C - clear keyboard input
[+] - increase blend percentage
[-] = decrease blend percentage
[SPACE] - Acid Cam filters enabled/disabled
[LEFT] - Filter index move left
[RIGHT] - filter index move right
[UP] - Shader Index move up
[DOWN] - Shader Index move down
[ENTER] - Jump to currently typed index (type index with number keys at anytime)
[PAGEUP] - Store Index Position
[PAGEDOWN] - Restore Position Index
 Q,Q,E,R,Y,U,I,O - move movement rate
 T - reset color offset

Run the program:

Full Screen Monitor 0

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -F -M 0

or Monitor 1

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -F -M 1

Windowed mode 1920x1080 Camera/Window

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -c 1920x1080 -r 1920x1080

Windowed mode 1920x1080 Camera 1280x720

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -c 1280x720 -r 1920x1080

Default Windowed mode:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters 

Default Fullscreen (Resize) mode:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -f

Default FullScreen (Windowed) mode:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -F

Use Webcam Device by Index:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -d 1

Use different frames per second:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -u 30

or (if supported by your USB 3.0 Webcam)

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -u 60

or even better

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -u 60 -c 1920x1080 -r 1920x1080

Use Video File as Input:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -i file.mp4

Record to MP4 file:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -i file.mp4 -h -o outfile.mp4

List all included filters by index:

./acidcamGL -l

Key shortcut format:

in a text file add each line for the desired keyshort cuts in this format:

key filter_index shader_index

an example file would be

F 75 0
Q 25 7

If you saved this to keys.key you would use it with -k key like his:

./acidcamGL -g -p filters -k keys.key

Playlist file:

use: ./acidcamGL -l

Playlist Now uses String names versus ID identifiers: to list the different filters then list them one after the other in a text file line by line like this:


save the file then when in the program press the L key to toggle the playlist on and off and use the arrow keys to move through the list. To use the playlist file its he same as the keys just with Use:

./acidcamGL -L playist.txt -g -p filters