Shop-Script is a robust PHP ecommerce platform with best-in-class analytics tools. Powered by Webasyst framework.
Web Server * Apache, nginx or IIS
PHP 5.6+
- spl
- mbstring
- iconv
- json
- gd or ImageMagick
MySQL 4.1+
Install Webasyst framework via or
Once Webasyst framework is installed, copy Shop-Script source files to /PATH_TO_WEBASYST/wa-apps/shop/ folder:
via GIT:
cd /PATH_TO_WEBASYST/wa-apps/shop/ git clone git:// ./
via SVN:
cd /PATH_TO_WEBASYST/wa-apps/shop/ svn checkout ./
Add the following item to the array in wa-config/apps.php file to enable the Shop-Script app—this file lists all installed apps:
'shop' => true,
Open Webasyst backend in a web browser and click the Shop-Script icon in the main menu to start using the app.
Update source files from the repository and log into Webasyst backend in your browser. All new meta updates will be applied automatically.