
Departmental Store Billing System

This project implements a basic billing system for a departmental store in C. It provides functionalities for generating bills, viewing saved invoices, listing available products, checking stock availability, updating stock, and calculating net sales.

Bill Generation: Allows users to create new bills by selecting items, specifying quantities, and generating a total amount.

Saved Invoices: Provides the ability to view previously generated invoices with details such as product ID, name, price, quantity, and net price.

List Of Products: Displays a list of available products along with their IDs.

Stock Availability: Shows the current stock availability for each product.

Stock Update: Allows users to update the stock of a specific product.

Net Sales: Calculates and displays the total sales of the day based on the generated bills.

Generate Bill: Select option 1 to create a new bill. Follow the prompts to add items, specify quantities, and complete the billing process.

Saved Invoices: Select option 2 to view previously generated invoices. Input the bill number to see the details.

List Of Products: Choose option 3 to display a list of available products with their IDs.

Stock Availability: Select option 4 to check the current stock availability for each product.

Stock Update: Use option 5 to update the stock of a specific product. Input the product ID and the quantity to be added.

Net Sales: Choose option 6 to calculate and display the total sales of the day.