AIML Enthusiast | | Philomath | | Critical Analyst | | Computer Affecionate | | We can stay awake for the night and learn on Software Programs together ;)
MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore
ShamanthHiremath's Following
- AbhayBhandarkarIndia
- Amith225MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- amithm3msrit
- ankush-003PES University
- Ankush-Balse
- ash956901@securitb
- ayushjain01Target Corporation
- B-Karthik-7Ramaiah Institute Of Technology
- callummcdougallLondon
- coti-io
- EricLiclair@aws @arcee-ai @nyunAI
- GR-MenonBangalore
- HakshamBengaluru,Karnataka,India
- Het-JoshiBengaluru
- karpathyStanford
- kausmeows@agno-agi
- loveBabbarnew delhi
- NikhilKalloliBanglore, India
- Nishanth1102
- sanchiitvijayBengaluru
- Shreyas-Nagabhushan
- sih-2024-msrit
- SimplifyJobsUnited States of America
- SSROCKS30Bengaluru
- SuchitG04M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Sukhseerat-Kaur
- themohitnairM S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- trijal18
- tusharhero
- Viole-GraceGraphene AI
- YasinzHyperRamaiah Institute of Technology