Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Frontend)

This application interacts with the Google Drive API to assess potential risks in a user's Google Drive account and displays a report of the findings.


  • User authentication with Google
  • Displays a report of Google Drive data, including:
    • Total storage used
    • Number of public files
    • Number of externally shared files
    • List of people with access to files and the files they have access to
  • Ability to revoke the application's access to Google Drive


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed Node.js
  • You have a package manager like pnpm or npm

Installing Google Drive Risk Assessment Application

To install the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application, follow these steps:

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate into the cloned repository directory

cd /frontend

Install the dependencies with pnpm

pnpm install

To use the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application, follow these steps:

Start the application

pnpm start

Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Backend)

The backend server for the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application. This server handles authentication with Google and communicates with the Google Drive API.


  • Handles Google OAuth2 authentication
  • Fetches and analyzes data from Google Drive
  • Provides an endpoint to revoke the server's access to Google Drive


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed Node.js
  • You have installed MongoDB
  • You have a Google Developer account and access to the Google Drive API

Installing Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Backend)

To install the backend, follow these steps:

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate into the cloned repository directory

cd /backend

Install the dependencies with npm

npm install

To use the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application, follow these steps:

Start the application

pnpm start

Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Backend)

The backend server for the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application. This server handles authentication with Google and communicates with the Google Drive API.


  • Handles Google OAuth2 authentication
  • Fetches and analyzes data from Google Drive
  • Provides an endpoint to revoke the server's access to Google Drive


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed Node.js
  • You have installed MongoDB
  • You have a Google Developer account and access to the Google Drive API

Installing Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Backend)

To install the backend, follow these steps:

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate into the cloned repository directory

cd /backend

Install the dependencies with npm

npm install

To use the Google Drive Risk Assessment Application, follow these steps:

Start the application

pnpm start

Configuring Google Drive Risk Assessment Application (Backend)

Before you can run the server, you will need to set up your Google API credentials and MongoDB connection string:

Visit the Google Developer Console Create a new project Enable the Google Drive API for that project Create OAuth2 credentials Set the authorized redirect URIs to http://localhost:5000/oauth2callback Save the Client ID and Client Secret, these will go in your .env file Create a new MongoDB database and save the connection string, this will also go in your .env file Rename .env.example to .env and fill in your Google API credentials and MongoDB connection string.