Primary LanguageC++

# Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with C++

Welcome to my exploration of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with C++! This repository is dedicated to documenting my journey as I delve into the principles and practices of OOP using the C++ programming language.

## Introduction

As I progress in my C++ learning journey, I recognize the significance of mastering OOP concepts. Object-oriented programming offers a powerful paradigm for organizing code, promoting reusability, and building modular, scalable software systems. This repository serves as a digital journal where I record my discoveries, experiments, and projects related to OOP in C++.

## Learning Approach

My approach to learning OOP with C++ involves a structured study of key concepts followed by practical application through coding exercises and projects. I aim to understand core OOP principles such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, and how they are implemented in C++.

## Repository Structure

### Classes and Objects

- Class declarations and definitions
- Object instantiation and initialization
- Member variables and member functions
- Constructors and destructors

### Inheritance and Polymorphism

- Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, access specifiers (public, private, protected)
- Polymorphism: Virtual functions, function overriding, dynamic polymorphism
- Abstract classes and interfaces

Happy coding!