
A unified API for creating Alexa Skills and Google Actions

Primary LanguageRacket


A unified API for creating Alexa Skills and Google Actions


SmartAssistantAssistant (SAA) is a racket library/language. It is technically three languages: saa-alexa-json, saa-google-json and saa-server.

saa-alexa-json and saa-google-json generate different json, but are written exactly the same way while saa-server is used to create a server which can handle requests from either Amazon Alexa or Google Home. To get your code to compile on the other, simply switch the #lang. No other code changes required!

How to use

Write your saa-alexa-json or saa-google-json file for your desired skill/action. Then complete a saa-server file to implement.

saa-alexa-json and saa-google-json The first important line is your #lang. You can define this as either. In this example, I use Alexa.

#lang s-exp "saa-alexa-json.rkt"

You need a manifest, a fulfillment, an action, and an app. The manifest defines the app's description (name, description, etc.) The fulfillment points the listener (action) to the funtional backend. The action defines what the app should listen for. The app defines the entire app.

A sample declaration for a manifest might be:

(define/manifest shoe-manifest
  (display-name "Shoes")
  (invocation-name "shoes")
  (long-description "Orders shoes.")
  (voice-name "male_1")
   "Buy me shoes"
   "Purchase shoes")
  (require actions.capabilities.AUDIO_OUTPUT)
  (require actions.capabilities.AUDIO_INPUT))

Likewise, sample declarations for a fulfillment, an action and an app (respectively) will look like:

(define/fulfillment shoe-app "shoe-app"
 (url "https://shoe.example.com/shoe-app")
 (headers #:key1 "value1"
          #:key2 "value2")
 (api-version 2))
(define/action shoe-main "MAIN"
 (intent actions.intent.MAIN)
 (fulfillment shoe-app))
(define/action shoe-buy "BUY"
 (intent (com.example.shoe.BUY (: color SchemaOrg_Color))
         (trigger (query-pattern "find some $SchemaOrg_Color:color sneakers")
                  (query-pattern "buy some blue suede shoes")
                  (query-pattern "get running shoes")))
 (fulfillment shoe-app))
(define/app shoe
 #:main shoe-main
 (manifest shoe-manifest)
 (actions shoe-buy)


This project was created for nwHacks 2018 with project members:

Brendan Murphy - github

Hazel Pearson - github

Leonardo Walcher - github

Samuel Young - github

You can find our website here: https://www.smartassistantsquared.org/