Intro: Shan's personal website

This is Shan's personal website for displaying projects and blog posts. Welcome to share your ideas with me. The theme is forked from Vno Jekyll, you can also choose an easier Wordpress or Hexo framework for hosting your blog, so that you can escape from the annoying debugging process :).

Remain unsolved

  • Add catalogue for posts in blog;
  • Removed the page visit widget;
  • Easier ways to support the math equations;
  • Markdown Post header problem;
  • Mathjax Configuration issue;
  • Updating the gallery border css for image organization;
  • Revise CSS for Code chunk;
  • Support for bilingual settings

Community Responsibility

Personally, I strongly support this project: 996 vs ICU project as I believe all lives matter.


This blog is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.