
Chaos Engineering - Step by Step guide

Important Information

team id : 6dec412f-9937-46a6-ac41-2f993706a6a1
team secret: 8956e88f-0211-40cc-96e8-8f0211a0cc59

Step #1 Launch command window as Administrator from your desktop machine

initiate secured shell using the following command line, SSH stands for 'Secured Shell' -i Stands for '<identity_file>' and last parameter is [user@]hostIP[:port]

ssh -i .\chaostraining.pem azureuser@

Step #2, Add packages needed to install and verify gremlin (already on many systems)

sudo -i
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https dirmngr

Step #3, Add the Gremlin repo

echo "deb release non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gremlin.list

Step #4, Import the GPG key (GNU Privacy Guard Key)

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 9CDB294B29A5B1E2E00C24C022E8EF3461A50EF6

Step #5, Install Gremlin

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y gremlin gremlind

Step #6, Initiaize Gremlin

sudo -i
gremlin init

input team ID input team secret

Step #7, Gremlin check

to check you are connected to gremlin type

gremlin check
Under Auth seciton you should see
Auth Input Type                      : Secret
API Response                         : OK

Step #8, Under Gremlin portal run an attack

Launch Browser

Login to Gremlin Portal

Select new Experiment

Select Hosts

Choose the IP address of the Host

Choose Gremlin - CPU - give make Utilization to 100%

Run the experiment on the selected host.

In the Gremlin run a CPU attack for your VM using the Gremlin portal

Step #9, To check the CPU utilization % from the shell

in the command shell type, to view top few processes


Docker Commands

Step #10, Installing Docker

in the command shell type, to view top few processes

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

Got OK as response for the above comand

Step #11, Installing appropriate repository

in the command shell type, to view top few processes

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Got DONE as response for the above comand

Step #12, updates the package index files to get the latest list of available packages in the repositories

in the command shell type, to view top few processes

sudo apt-get update

Got DONE as response for the above comand

Step #13, updates the package index files to get the latest list of available packages in the repositories

in the command shell type, to view top few processes

apt-cache policy docker-ce

Got NO as response for the above comand

Step #14, To install Docker Engine, containerd, and Docker Compose on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Got NO as response for the above comand

Step #15, to Check If the Docker Daemon or a Container Is Running

sudo systemctl status docker

Got a response for the above comand, need to press Ctrl+C to exit

Step #16, to assign or change user permissions docker users

sudo usermod -aG docker azureuser

Got NO as response for the above comand


Step #17, create Index.html page in the vm

sudo -i
mkdir -p ~/docker-nginx/html
cd ~/docker-nginx/html
nano index.html

Copy the folowing html code and paste into the index.html

    <title>Sample HTML</title>
    <div class="container">
      <h1>This is a sample HTML to check our container</h1>
      <p>This signifies nginx container is working fine</p>
      <p>Now i am ready for the attack</p>

To save this file, type Ctrl+x

to save the above file, you need to hit Ctrl+X and then Y

Step #18, create Container with name using nginx

sudo -i
docker run -l service=nginx --name shan-docker-nginx -p 80:80 -d -v ~/docker-nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

Step #19, to view if the Container has been creaed or not.

docker ps -a

to view whether the service is up and running use the above command

Step #20, Install Gremlin using docker run.

docker run -d --net=host \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_BOOT --cap-add=SYS_TIME \
    --cap-add=KILL \
    --pid=host \
    -v $PWD/var/lib/gremlin:/var/lib/gremlin \
    -v $PWD/var/log/gremlin:/var/log/gremlin \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e GREMLIN_TEAM_ID="6dec412f-9937-46a6-ac41-2f993706a6a1" \
    -e GREMLIN_TEAM_SECRET="8956e88f-0211-40cc-96e8-8f0211a0cc59" \
    gremlin/gremlin daemon

this creates nginx container in the VM

Step #21, to view if the Container has been creaed or not.

docker ps -a

to view whether the service is up and running use the above command


az account =>Manage Azure subscription information.

az acr => Manage private registries with Azure Container Registries.

az ad =>Manage Azure Active Directory Graph entities needed for Role Based Access Control.

az adp => Manage Azure Autonomous Development Platform resources.

az advisor => Manage Azure Advisor.

az afd => Manage Azure Front Door Standard/Premium. For classical Azure Front Door, please refer

az ai-examples => Add AI powered examples to help content.

az aks => Manage Azure Kubernetes Services.

az alerts-management => Manage Azure Alerts Management Service Resource.

az alias => Manage Azure CLI Aliases.

az ams => Manage Azure Media Services resources.

az apim => Manage Azure API Management services.

az appconfig => Manage App Configurations.

az appservice => Manage App Service plans.

az arcappliance => Commands to manage an Appliance resource.

az arcdata => Commands for using Azure Arc-enabled data services.

az aro => Manage Azure Red Hat OpenShift clusters.

az artifacts => Manage Azure Artifacts.

az attestation => Manage Microsoft Azure Attestation (MAA).

az automanage => Manage Automanage.

az automation => Manage Automation Account.

az azurestackhci=> Manage azurestackhci.

az backup => Manage Azure Backups.

az baremetalinstance => (PREVIEW) Manage BareMetal Instances.

az batch => Manage Azure Batch.

az batchai => Manage Batch AI resources.

az bicep => Bicep CLI command group.

az billing => Manage Azure Billing.

az billing-benefits => Azure billing benefits commands.

az blockchain => Manage blockchain.

az blueprint => Commands to manage blueprint.

az boards => Manage Azure Boards.

az bot => Manage Microsoft Azure Bot Service.

az cache => Commands to manage CLI objects cached using the --defer argument.

az capacity => Manage capacity resources.

az cdn => Manage Azure Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).

az change-analysis=> List changes for resources.

az cli-translator => Translate ARM template or REST API to CLI scripts.

az cloud => Manage registered Azure clouds.

az cloud-service=> Manage cloud service (extended support).

az cognitiveservices => Manage Azure Cognitive Services accounts.

az communication => Manage communication service with communication.

az confcom => Commands to generate security policies for confidential containers in Azure.

az confidentialledger => Manage Confidential Ledger.

az config => Manage Azure CLI configuration.

az configure => Manage Azure CLI configuration. This command is interactive.

az confluent => Manage confluent resources.

az connectedk8s => Commands to manage connected kubernetes clusters.

az connectedmachine => Manage Connected Machine.

az connectedvmware => Commands to manage Connected VMware.

az connection => Commands to manage Service Connector local connections which allow local environment to connect Azure Resource. If you want to manage connection for compute service, please run 'az webapp/containerapp/spring connection'.

az consumption => Manage consumption of Azure resources.

az container => Manage Azure Container Instances.

az containerapp => Manage Azure Container Apps.

az cosmosdb => Manage Azure Cosmos DB database accounts.

az costmanagement => Manage cost and billing in Azure.

az csvmware => Manage Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple.

az custom-providers => Commands to manage custom providers.

az customlocation => Commands to Create, Get, List and Delete CustomLocations.

az databox => Manage data box.

az databoxedge => Support data box edge device and management.

az databricks => Manage databricks workspaces.

az datadog => Manage datadog.

az datafactory => Manage Data Factory.

az datamigration => Manage Data Migration.

az dataprotection => Manage dataprotection.

az datashare => Manage Data Share.

az dedicated-hsm => Manage dedicated hsm with hardware security modules.

az demo => Demos for designing, developing and demonstrating Azure CLI.

az deployment => Manage Azure Resource Manager template deployment at subscription scope.

az deployment-scripts => Manage deployment scripts at subscription or resource group scope.

az desktopvirtualization => Manage desktop virtualization.

az devcenter => Manage resources with devcenter.

az devops => Manage Azure DevOps organization level operations.

az disk => Manage Azure Managed Disks.

az disk-access => Manage disk access resources.

az disk-encryption-set => Disk Encryption Set resource.

az disk-pool => Manage Azure disk pool.

az dla => Manage Data Lake Analytics accounts, jobs, and catalogs.

az dls => Manage Data Lake Store accounts and filesystems.

az dms => Manage Azure Data Migration Service (classic) instances.

az dnc => Manage Delegated Network.

az dns-resolver => Manage Dns Resolver.

az dt => Manage Azure Digital Twins solutions & infrastructure.

az dynatrace => Manage dynatrace.

az edgeorder => Manage Edge Order.

az elastic => Manage Microsoft Elastic.

az elastic-san => Manage Elastic SAN.

az eventgrid => Manage Azure Event Grid topics, domains, domain topics, system topics partner topics, event subscriptions, system topic event subscriptions and partner topic event subscriptions.

az eventhubs Eventhubs.

az extension Manage and update CLI extensions.

az feature Manage resource provider features.

az feedback Send feedback to the Azure CLI Team.

az find I'm an AI robot, my advice is based on our Azure documentation as well as the usage patterns of Azure CLI and Azure ARM users. Using me improves Azure products and documentation.

az fleet Commands to manage fleet.

az fluid-relay Manage Fluid Relay.

az footprint az functionapp Manage function apps. To install the Azure Functions Core tools see

az fzf Commands to select active or default objects via fzf.

az grafana Commands to manage Azure Grafana instanced.

az graph Query the resources managed by Azure Resource Manager.

az group Manage resource groups and template deployments.

az guestconfig Manage Guest Configuration.

az hack Commands to manage resources commonly used for student hacks.

az hanainstance (PREVIEW) Manage Azure SAP HANA Instance.

az hdinsight Manage HDInsight resources.

az healthbot Manage bot with healthbot.

az healthcareapis Manage Healthcare Apis.

az hpc-cache Commands to manage hpc cache.

az hybridaks Manage hybridaks provisioned clusters.

az identity Managed Identities.

az image Manage custom virtual machine images.

az import-export Manage Import Export.

az init It's an effortless setting up tool for configs.

az interactive Start interactive mode. Installs the Interactive extension if not installed already.

az internet-analyzer Commands to manage internet analyzer.

az iot Manage Internet of Things (IoT) assets.

az k8s-configuration Commands to manage resources from Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration.

az k8s-extension Commands to manage Kubernetes Extensions.

az k8sconfiguration Commands to manage Kubernetes configuration.

az keyvault Manage KeyVault keys, secrets, and certificates.

az kusto Manage Azure Kusto resources.

az lab Manage Azure DevTest Labs.

az load Manage Azure Load Testing resources.

az lock Manage Azure locks.

az logic Manage Logic.

az logicapp Manage logic apps.

az login Log in to Azure.

az logout Log out to remove access to Azure subscriptions.

az logz Manage Microsoft Logz.

az maintenance Manage Maintenance.

az managed-cassandra Azure Managed Cassandra.

az managedapp Manage template solutions provided and maintained by Independent Software Vendors (ISVs).

az managedservices Manage the registration assignments and definitions in Azure.

az managementpartner Allows the partners to associate a Microsoft Partner Network(MPN) ID to a user or service principal in the customer's Azure directory.

az maps Manage Azure Maps.

az mariadb Manage Azure Database for MariaDB servers.

az mesh (PREVIEW) Manage Azure Service Fabric Mesh Resources.

az ml Manage Azure Machine Learning resources with the Azure CLI ML extension v2.

az ml Manage Azure Machine Learning resources with the Azure CLI ML extension v1.

az mobile-network Manage mobile network.

az monitor Manage the Azure Monitor Service.

az mysql Manage Azure Database for MySQL servers.

az netappfiles Manage Azure NetApp Files (ANF) Resources.

az network Manage Azure Network resources.

az network-function Manage network function.

az networkcloud Manage Network Cloud resources.

az networkfabric Manage Azure Network Fabric Management Service API.

az next Recommend the possible next set of commands to take.

az nginx Manage NGINX deployment resources.

az notification-hub Manage Notification Hubs.

az offazure Manage on-premise resources for migrate.

az orbital Azure Orbital Ground Station as-a-Service (GSaaS).

az partnercenter Partner Center management.

az peering Manage peering.

az pipelines Manage Azure Pipelines.

az policy Manage resource policies.

az portal Manage Portal.

az postgres Manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers.

az powerbi Manage PowerBI resources.

az ppg Manage Proximity Placement Groups.

az private-link Private-link association CLI command group.

az provider Manage resource providers.

az providerhub Manage resources with ProviderHub.

az purview Manage Purview.

az quantum Manage Azure Quantum Workspaces and submit jobs to Azure Quantum Providers.

az qumulo Manage qumulo.

az quota Manage Azure Quota Extension API.

az redis Manage dedicated Redis caches for your Azure applications.

az redisenterprise Manage the redisenterprise cache.

az relay Manage Azure Relay Service namespaces, WCF relays, hybrid connections, and rules.

az remote-rendering-account Manage remote rendering account with mixed reality.

az repos Manage Azure Repos.

az reservations Azure Reservations.

az resource Manage Azure resources.

az resource-mover Manage Resource Mover Service API.

az resourcemanagement Resourcemanagement CLI command group.

az rest Invoke a custom request.

az restore-point Manage restore point with res.

az role Manage user roles for access control with Azure Active Directory and service principals.

az sapmonitor (PREVIEW) Manage Azure SAP Monitor.

az scenario E2E Scenario Usage Guidance.

az scvmm Commands for managing Arc for SCVMM resources.

az search Manage Azure Search services, admin keys and query keys.

az security Manage your security posture with Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

az self-help Azure SelfHelp will help you troubleshoot issues with Azure resources.

az self-test Runs a self-test of the CLI.

az sentinel Manage Microsoft Sentinel.

az serial-console Connect to the Serial Console of a Linux/Windows Virtual Machine or VMSS Instance.

az servicebus Servicebus. az sf =>Manage and administer Azure Service Fabric clusters. az sig =>Manage shared image gallery. az signalr =>Manage Azure SignalR Service. az snapshot =>Manage point-in-time copies of managed disks, native blobs, or other snapshots. az spatial-anchors-account =>Manage spatial anchor account with mixed reality. az spring =>Commands to manage Azure Spring Apps. az spring-cloud =>Commands to manage Azure Spring Cloud. az sql =>Manage Azure SQL Databases and Data Warehouses. az ssh => SSH into resources (Azure VMs, Arc servers, etc) using AAD issued openssh certificates. az sshkey =>Manage ssh public key with vm. az stack-hci =>Manage Azure Stack HCI. az staticwebapp =>Manage static apps. az storage =>Manage Azure Cloud Storage resources. az storage-mover =>Manage top-level Storage Mover resource. az storagesync =>Manage Azure File Sync. az stream-analytics =>Manage Stream Analytics. az support =>Manage Azure support resource. az survey =>Take Azure CLI survey. az synapse =>Manage and operate Synapse Workspace, Spark Pool, SQL Pool. az tag =>Tag Management on a resource. az term =>Manage marketplace agreement with marketplaceordering. az ts =Manage template specs at subscription or resource group scope. az tsi =>Manage Azure Time Series Insights. az upgrade =>Upgrade Azure CLI and extensions. az version =>Show the versions of Azure CLI modules and extensions in JSON format by default or format configured by --output. az vm =>Manage Linux or Windows virtual machines. az vmss =>Manage groupings of virtual machines in an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS). az vmware =>Commands to manage Azure VMware Solution. az webapp =>Manage web apps. az webpubsub =>Commands to manage Webpubsub. az workloads =>Manage workloads.