âš¡ What is HummScroller?

Do you feel like you've curated a good Crypto Twitter? Put your money where your likes are! With HummingScroller, you sit and zone-out on Twitter, liking crypto posts you agree with, as you already do. HummScroller watches your Twitter account and buys the tokens (present in $cashtags) in the Tweets that you hit "like" on!

After 24 hours, HummScroller then sells that token back into stablecoins, and pulls your new recent likes to build a new portfolio. New portfolios are built every day based on the changing sentiment towards coins that you decide by liking them.

📈 How to Use It?

Install it Via Telegram: TBD

Telegram Bot Command: /hummscroller @my_handle -- call the bot and enter your Twitter handle.

This registers a paper "mock" trading account in a Hummingbot instance.

Now just keep zoning out on Crypto Twitter! It's scanning tweets that you like.

✨ How it Works

Currently only working on paper trading with a Binance connector through Hummingbot.

Your most recent 100 Tweets will be scanned for any cashtags, which will then build a dataset about what you've liked recently.

📟 Backend

Set Twitter API Keys:

export TWITTER_HANDLE=elonmusk -- you can monitor other people's Twitter likes too!

export TWITTER_API_BEARER=AAAAA... -- need a Twitter Developer account to use V2 API.

Twitter Script: humscroller.py -- produces a file recent_tweet_likes.json

Hummingbot Script: humminggram.py -- Performs daily market order trades based on the data.

Got to this point where it was buying BTC-USDT, but wasn't updating the paper balance on Hummingbot

From Discord: you can see the trade status, but there's a bug not reporting the paper balance.

TODO: https://hummingbot.org/operation/export/ ... Export the trades to a file and then make that data available from a Telegram bot, so you can see your daily tweet-like-trade performances.

Telegram Bot: TBD -- commands like /humscroller_init @handle, /humscroller_stats, humscroller_leaderboard

Hosting & Deployment: TBD

📡 Future Plans

  • A Telegram Group "Investment DAO" Game where you compete with members to have the more profitable Crypto Twitter.
  • Countertrading. Not your twitter handle, because you're smart, but someone who you think is an idiot. Everything they like, you sell.
  • Use real money, not paper trading.
  • Scan not just likes, but retweets also.
  • AI sentiment classification to break tweets into the bullish and bearish parts.
  • Get audio from Spaces you were in, how long you stayed (enjoyed it) and correlate that to tokens.