
Some notes about how to host a website with the Nanogen generator, Google Domains and Heroku.

Get Accounts and Software

Fork the Nanogen project and repo name to your website

Nanogen (https://github.com/doug2k1/nanogen)

After forking to yourself, go to Settings and rename project "my-website" or something.

Clone locally, edit the package.json and what's in repo

TODO: duplicate not fork: https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/<you>/my-website.git
cd my-website/
atom .

Edit the package.json scripts. Under scripts it needs a start for Heroku to work. Add "start": "serve ./public"

npm install
npm run build

This will have built the /public folder. Add it to the check in.

git add public/
git commit -m 'init'
git push

Make it into a Heroku app

Log in to your Heroku dashboard. Add a credit card to billing to validate your account. This deploy will be free but they need verification.

heroku create
git push heroku master

Your app will now be deployed at some link like https://glacial-anchorage-74911.herokuapp.com/

Become proud owner of a domain

Open account at Domains.Google.com or GoDaddy or whatever. Purchase a domain such as: www.TheRightToKnowWhereBearsAre.com

Point Heroku app to that domain

heroku domains:add www.therighttoknowwherebearsare.com

This will register a DNS target like: www.therighttoknowwherebearsare.com.herokudns.com

Create a custom resource records pointing to this target. And let naked link without www. route to it too. See Google Domains example.