
Refresh adidas queue until it passes the queue, and then will open the session in a browser.

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Download & Install python 3.x from https://www.python.org/downloads/. Be sure to check "Add to PATH" when installing.
  2. Open cmd as Administrator
  3. 'pip3 install selenium'
  4. 'pip3 install requests'


  1. Add proxies(if any) to proxies.txt
  2. Open cmd as Administrator
  3. Change directory to AdidasQueuer folder
  4. 'python AdidasQueuer.py'

How it Works

This will take all your proxies(if provided) and refresh the adidas splash page url you provide. It may seem like nothing is happening, but don't worry, it is still refreshing in the background. Once one of the proxies gets through the queue, it will open a chrome session and take you to the size selection page, from there you can just add to card and process as normal. If one makes it through the queue, the others will still keep trying and will always keep trying until they either get through queue or you exit the script.

DM me on twitter @hunter_bdm for further questions.


You can test by entering any page that has a Google Captaha on it.