
An AWS serverless application using Terraform to scrape rental properties in Limerick daily thats cost effective.

Primary LanguageHCL


An AWS serverless application using Terraform to scrape rental properties in Limerick daily thats cost effective.

Amazon Web Services Architecture Diagram

SQS isn't necessary since the number of properties in Limerick are normally low and you can invoke another Lambda from Lambda.

Deployment 🔧

terraform init
terraform apply

# You will need to execute the setup.sql against the database to set it up, follow the Query Database instructions.

# To tear down the deployment run: terraform destory

Components 🧰

Rent Search 🔍

Is triggered daily at 6PM by an Event Rule. It retrieves each hyperlink available under property for rent in Limerick and sends it to SQS.

Rent Extract 📝

Is triggered by the SQS event source mapping, extracts the property informations and stores it in Aurora (serverless).

Query Database 💾

>aws secretsmanager list-secrets
    "SecretList": [
            "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:...",
            "Name": "rent_credentials",
            "LastChangedDate": "2021-10-17T18:25:38.883000+01:00",
            "LastAccessedDate": "2021-10-19T01:00:00+01:00",
            "SecretVersionsToStages": {

# Copy the arn, the --filter command never works for me 🤔.

>aws rds describe-db-clusters --query "DBClusters[?DatabaseName==`rentServerlessMysql`].DBClusterArn"

>aws rds-data execute-statement
    --resource-arn arn:aws:rds:...
    --secret-arn arn:aws:secretsmanager:...
    --database rentServerlessMysql
    --sql "select * from property LIMIT 1;"
    --region eu-...

# It should come back with a Communications link failure (this means the database is asleep and will start waking up. Give it 30 seconds.)
An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the ExecuteStatement operation: Communications link failure

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

# Try again
>aws rds-data execute-statement
    --resource-arn arn:aws:rds:...
    --secret-arn arn:aws:secretsmanager:...
    --database rentServerlessMysql
    --sql "select * from property LIMIT 1;"
    --region eu-...

Query Result 📋

  "numberOfRecordsUpdated": 0,
  "records": [
        "longValue": 5
        "stringValue": "Somewhere, Somewhere, Co. Limerick"
        "longValue": 2568
        "stringValue": "Apartment"
        "stringValue": "4 Bed"
        "stringValue": "3 Bath"
        "stringValue": "C1"
        "stringValue": ""
        "stringValue": "[{\"label\": \"Double Bedroom\", \"text\": \"4\"}, {\"label\": \"Bathroom\", \"text\": \"3\"}, {\"label\": \"Available From\", \"text\": \"Immediately\"}, {\"label\": \"Furnished\", \"text\": \"Yes\"}, {\"label\": \"Lease\", \"text\": \"Minimum 1 Year\"}]"
        "stringValue": "2021-10-17 20:42:37"

Boring Stuff 🙄

Daft does not allow scraping of its site therefore you will need to explicity ask them for permission.