
Well done, guys! Cheer!

Primary LanguageJava

Group 3 - CS 3354.003
Final Course Project Submission

The online GitHub repository contains all files and documented change history and can be found
at the following address:

1. All of the source code may be found in the "Calendar" folder. It may also
	be found in the online repository in the folder "TRUNKYO/Calendar".
2. The executable binary code (apk file) is "Calendar.apk" and is located in
	the same file as this ReadMe.
3. The unit tests and bug reports are found in the "JUnit Tests" folder. It
	may also be found in the online repository under "JUNIT".
4. The relevant API documents are found in the "API JavaDocs" folder. They can
	also be found in "doc" folder inside the actual project folder.
	The user manual is in "User Manual for Calendar" and may be opened
	using Notepad or most text editors.

nxr131730 - Requirement Engineering, Design, Presentation, Documentation and Reports
zxq150130 - Requirement engineering, design, implementation, unit test, and Github management.
ujc130030 - Engineering reqs, designing, programming, and testing the application.
xxt150630 - Requirement engineering, design, implementation, and unit test.
bxk150330 - Requirement Engineering, Presentation, implementation and user manuals.