Python-Thermal-Printer Module

Python3 port of the original Adafruit Python-Thermal-Printer library.

Getting Started

Install Raspbian Buster and Wire the printer according to this. I powered the printer with the GPIO pins as well.

Run a test to see if the printer is working by punching in these commands into the terminal.

stty -F /dev/serial0 19200
echo -e "This is a test.\\n\\n\\n" > /dev/serial0


Update the system and install prequisities.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git cups wiringpi build-essential libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev python3-serial python-pil python-unidecode

Install the printer driver. Don't worry about the warnings that g++ gives.

git clone
cd zj-58
sudo ./install

Make the printer the default printer. This is useful if you are going to be doing other things with it.

sudo lpadmin -p ZJ-58 -E -v serial:/dev/serial0?baud=19200 -m zjiang/ZJ-58.ppd
sudo lpoptions -d ZJ-58

Restart the system. Clone this repository and try to run

git clone
cd Python-Thermal-Printer

Let me know if you have any issues.