
A Repository for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java

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A repository for all Algorithms

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Tech Stacks

Programs we have been a part of

No. Program Name Duration Deployment
1. Hacktoberfest (2022) 1st Oct 2022 - 31st Oct 2022 Algorithm
2. Social Winter of Code (2023) 1st Jan 2023 - 15th Mar 2023 Algorithm
3. Social Summer of Code (2023) 1st June 2023 - 31st July 2023 Algorithm

Available Resources

  • The resources are categorized based on programming language. One folder for one programming language

    • Each folder has different subfolders. The subfolder represents the category algorithm belongs to
      • Each subfolder has different files. Filename represents the name of the algorithm


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Diagonal Print Algorithm in 2D Array C, C++, Java, Python
2. Fisher-Yates Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
3. Monotonic Array C, C++, Java, Python
4. Spiral Print Matrix C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Binary <-> Gray Code Conversion C, C++, Java, Python
2. Brian Kerningham's Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
3. Hamming Distance Theorem C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Caesar Cipher C, C++, Java, Python
2. Columnar Transposition Cipher C, C++, Java, Python
3. Diffie - Hellman Algorithm Python
4. Hill Cipher C++, Java, Python
5. Homophonic Substitution C, C++, Java, Python
6. Railfence Cipher C, C++, Java, Python
7. RSA C, C++, Java, Python
8. SHA - 256 C, C++, Java, Python
9. Vernam Cipher C, C++, Java, Python
10. Vignere Cipher C++, Java, Python

Data Compression

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Burrows-Wheeler Transform Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
2. Huffman Coding C, C++, Java,Python

Deadlock Avoidance

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Banker's Algorithm C, C++, Java,Python

Deep Learning

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Perceptron Learning - Boolean Functions Python

Divide and Conquer

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Karatsuba Algorithm C++, Java, Python
2. N-Queen's Problem C, C++, Java, Python
3. Strassen's Matrix Multiplication C, C++, Java, Python

Dynamic Programming

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. 0/1 Knapsack C, C++, Java, Python
2. Coin change problem C, C++, Java, Python
3. Edit Distance C++
4. Fibonacci Number C, C++, Java, Python
5. Hierholzer Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
6. Longest Common Subsequence C, C++, Java
7. Matrix Chain Multiplication C, C++, Java, Python
8. Minimum Jump Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
9. Minimum Sum Partition Problem C, C++, Java, Python
10. Partition problem C++, Java
11. Shortest Common Supersequence Problem C, C++, Java, Python
12. Travelling Salesman Problem C, C++, Java, Python

Game Theory

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Grundy's Number C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Scanline Algorithm C++, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Bellman Ford C++
2. Breadth First Search(BFS) C, C++, Java, Python
3. Dial’s Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
4. Dijkstra C, C++, Java, Python
5. Dinic's Algorithm C++, Java, Python
6. Disjoint Set Union C, C++, Java, Python
7. Edmonds-karp Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
8. Fleury's Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
9. Floyd Warshall C, C++, Java, Python
10. Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm C++, Python
11. Hamiltonian Path Java
12. Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
13. Kosaraju's Algorithm C++
14. Multistage Graph (Shortest Path) C, C++, Java, Python
15. Prim's Algorithm C++, Java, Python
16. Tarjan Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python

Greedy Algorithm

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Activity Selection C, C++, Java, Python
2. Egyptian Fraction C, C++, Java, Python
3. Fractional Knapsack C, C++, Java, Python
4. Job Sequencing C, C++, Java, Python
5. Merge Interval Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
6. Optimal Merge Pattern C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Bloom-Filter Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python

Job Scheduling

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Priority Scheduling C, C++, Java, Python

Linked List

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Addition of two Linked Lists C, C++, Java, Python
2. Circular Linked List C, C++, Python
3. Detect loop in a Linked List C++
4. Doubly Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
5. Intersection of two Linked Lists C++
6. Length of Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
7. LRU Cache Design C, C++, Java, Python
8. Merge Two Sorted Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
9. Merge K Sorted Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
10. Palindrome Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
11. Reverse Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
12. Reverse Linked List in a Group of K C, C++, Java, Python
13. Singly Linked List C, C++, Java, Python
14. Sorting Linked List C, C++, Java, Python

Machine Learning

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Decision Tree Python
2. Feed-Forward Neural Network C++
3. K-Means Clusters C, C++, Python
4. K-Nearest Neighbours C, C++, Java, Python
5. Linear Regression C, C++, Java, Python
6. Logistic Regression C++, Python
7. Naive Bayes C++, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Armstrong Numbers C, C++, Java, Python
2. Binary Exponentiation C, C++, Java, Python
3. Bennett's Formula C, C++, Java, Python
4. Bisection Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
5. Chinese Remainder Theorem C, C++, Java, Python
6. Chudnovsky Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
7. Closures of Relations C, C++, Java, Python
8. Decimal <-> Binary Converter C, C++, Java, Python
9. Extended Euclidean Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
10. Euler's Totient Function C, C++, Java, Python
11. Factorial of Number C, C++, Java, Python
12. Factors C, C++, Java, Python
13. Frievald's Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
14. GCD & LCM C, C++, Java, Python
15. Heron's Formula C, C++, Java, Python
16. Lucas Lehmer Series C, C++, Java, Python
17. Manhattan Distance C, C++, Java, Python
18. Modular Exponentiation C, C++, Java, Python
19. Pascal's Triangle C, C++, Java, Python
20. Perfect Number C, C++, Java, Python
21. Prefix-Postfix-Infix Interconversion C++, Python
22. Prime Number C, C++, Java, Python
23. Reverse Integer C, C++, Java, Python
24. Roman to Decimal converter C, C++, Java, Python
25. Sieve Eratosthenes Algorithm C, C++, Java,Python
26. Strong Number C, C++, Java, Python
27. Sudoku Solver C, C++, Java, Python
28. Zeller's Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Ant Colony Optimization Python
2. Genetic Algorithm C++, Python
3. Grey Wolf Optimization C, C++, Java, Python
4. Hill Climbing Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
5. Particle Swarm Optimization C++, Python
6. Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm C++, Python

Pattern Matching

No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Aho-Corasick Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
2. Boyer Moore Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
3. KMP Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
4. Rabin Karp C++, Python
5. Z - Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. String Permutation C, C++, Java, Python
2. Tower of Hanoi C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Binary Search on 2D Matrix C,C++, Java, Python
2. Binary Search C, C++, Java, Python
3. Exponential Search C, C++, Java, Python
4. Fibonacci Search C, C++, Java, Python
5. Interpolation Search C, C++, Java, Python
6. Jump Search C, C++, Java, Python
7. Linear Search C, C++, Java, Python
8. Order Agnostic Binary Search C, C++, Java, Python
9. Sublist Search C, C++, Java, Python
10. Ternary Search C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. 3 Sum Problem C, C++, Java, Python
2. Bead Sort C, C++, Java, Python
3. Bingo Sort C, C++, Java, Python
4. Bogo Sort C, C++, Java, Python
5. Bubble Sort C, C++, Java, Python
6. Bucket Sort C, C++, Java, Python
7. Comb Sort C, C++, Java, Python
8. Counting Sort C, C++, Java,Python
9. Cyclic Sort C, C++, Java, Python
10. Cocktail Sort C, C++, Java, Python
11. Dutch National Flag C, C++, Java, Python
12. Gnome Sort C, C++, Java, Python
13. Heap Sort C, C++, Java, Python
14. Insertion Sort C, C++, Java, Python
15. Intro Sort C, C++, Java, Python
16. Merge Sort C, C++, Java, Python
17. Odd-Even Sort / Brick Sort C, C++, Java, Python
18. Pigeon-Hole Sort C, C++, Java, Python
19. Quick Sort C, C++, Java, Python
20. Radix Sort C, C++ Java, Python
21. Selection Sort C, C++, Java, Python
22. Shell Sort C, C++, Java, Python
23. Stooge Sort C, C++, Java, Python
24. Tim Sort C, C++, Java, Python
25. Topological Sort C++
26. Wave Sort C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Max Area in Histogram C, C++, Java, Python
2. Next Greater Element C, C++, Java, Python
3. Rain Water Problem C, C++, Java, Python
4. Stack Using Priority Queue C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Beautiful String Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
2. Camel Case Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
3. Manacher's Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. Boyer-Moore Majority Voting C, C++, Python
2. Kadane's Algorithm C++, Java, Python
3. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Sub-Arrays C, C++, Java, Python


No. Algorithm Name Available languages
1. AO* Tree Java, Python
2. AVL Tree C, C++, Java, Python
3. B+ Tree C, C++, Java, Python
4. Binary Search Tree C, C++
5. Binary Tree to BST C, C++, Java, Python
6. Binary Tree Views(Left, Right, Top, Bottom) C, C++, Java, Python
7. Morris Traversal C, C++, Python
8. Red-Black Tree C++, Java, Python
9. Segment Tree C, C++, Java, Python
10. Splay Trees C, C++, Java, Python
11. Symmetric Tree Algorithm C, C++, Java, Python
12. Tree Traversal C, C++, Java, Python
13. Trie C++, Java
14. Van Emde Boas Tree C, C++, Java, Python

Contributors 🫂

Steps for Contributing 🚀

Refer to this YouTube Video for reference!

  • Fork and clone the Repo by typing the following commands in the terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/Kumar-laxmi/Algorithms.git

$ cd Algorithms
  • Now to add your resource to website, add an object with keys same as listed in existing objects in the file.
  • Save and commit your code.
  • Push to your fork of the repository , navigate to original repository and make a pull request.

Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 8 03 11 AM
Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 8 03 31 AM
  • Clone the Repository after forking
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Algorithms.git

$ cd algorithms
  • Make changes to the code(for ex- add an update route)

  • Create a Branch using:

$ git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • Stage your changes using:
$ git add .
  • Commit your changes using:
$ git commit -m "add any comment"
  • Push the changes to the forked repository using:
$ git push origin <branch-name>
  • Navigate to the original repository and make a pull request
  • In case of merge conflict fetch and merge from the remote repository

Please don't forget to update the Available Resources section

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