

docker-compose up --build


docker exec -ti pokemon_api rspec

OpenAPI Documentation




Fork this repository

  • You can add any framework, library or plugin you'd like
  • In short: Do whatever you want to get the job done
  • Make sure the application works out-of-the box once you're done
  • Push changes to your git fork
  • Add a short description on how to run your program in the Setup section above. (A person ariving new to the project should be able to follow your instructions and run it)
  • Produce a small technical documentation on how to use your API
  • Check the finished features in the Assignment and Bonus section by putting an 'X' ([X]) in between the brackets
  • Quality over quantity, better half of the features 100% done, than 100% of the features half-done

The assignement

You are required to create a simple pokemon API. This API should have a simple list of pokemons (does not need to be real or exhaustive) Each pokemon has a list of battle moves, a type, hp, and attack (you can add more characteristics if you understand pokemon better than I :) )

You should at a minimum:

[X] Have a route that sends all available pokemons

[X] A route to display a pokemon

[X] A route to simulate combats between two pokemons

[X] A route to get all combats (id, pokemons involved and winner)

For the combats we should

[X] have a play by play of the combat - moves used (can be random) and health jumps of the pokemons

[X] a winner

[X] xp gains for the winning pokemon

[X] You can use this api https://pokeapi.co/docs/v2#pokemon-section to seed your data, but it is not mandatory.

You will have to make choices to what and how you implement things. These choices are as important as your code.