
CLG Node JS Lesson 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CLG Node JS Lesson 2

  • Create a node project folder with a student project name

  • Verify the package.json file exists

  • Use module.exports to export an array of 2 students

    • for example: [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName":"Doe" } { "firstName": "Adam", "lastName":"Smith" } ]
  • Assign the parsed content to the variable student

  • Modify the array based on the following instructions:

    • Add new element age to first student
      • key => age
      • value => 23
  • Iterate over all key value pairs and test to see if age exists in each student

  • hasOwnProperty should be true for first student but false for second student

  • The result should be displayed in the terminal

  • Exit Node.js