
This is an initiative to help all Ukrainians, citizens or not, finding employment and jobs. This is a humble call to the employers, companies, corporates, govts and states to come forward in this cause. Share your jobs you wish to hire Ukrainians for. There is no charge or fee for the employers if they hire Ukrainians from this initiative.

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Job Seekers

This is an initiative to help all Ukrainians, citizens or not, finding employment and jobs. Please share your CV or resume via this Job Seeker's Form: https://forms.gle/ppPaUrHRod5sJEwm6


This is a humble call to the employers, companies, corporates, govts and states to come forward in this cause. Share your jobs you wish to hire and employ Ukrainians for via Employer's Form: https://forms.gle/HhcfYuspgnAPLGVo6


Also calling for volunteers like recruiters, immigration specialists, Ukrainian speakers etc. to help this initiative workable. Fill-up this Volunteer's Form to begin contributing: https://forms.gle/WzLReCW6RNk1wuYY9

Note: Our resources are growing now, additional to Volunteers and LinkedIn Premium, we are also in talks with local Labor Offices (and organizations) of the countries welcoming Ukrainians. There is no charge or fee for the employers if they Employ Ukrainians from this initiative.

