
Predict the mutual fund returns in terms of bond spread

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Predicting Mutual Fund Return

The data given is of the mutual funds in the USA.

The objective of this problem is to predict the ‘basis point spread’ over AAA bonds i.e. feature ‘bonds_aaa’ against each Serial Number.

Basis Point Spread indicates the additional return a mutual fund would give over the AAA-rated bonds.

Features - Description

Fund Symbol - Uniques symbol for the mutual fund used for representing it on the bourses

Fund Name - Full name of the mutual fund scheme

Category - Investment category of the mutual fund

Fund Family - Asset management company to which mutual fund belongs to

Investment - Type of investment of the mutual fund scheme

Size - Size of the mutual fund based on the total net assets

Total net assets - Total assets under management for the mutual fund scheme

Currency - Currency in which the investments of the mutual fund are held

Net Annual Expense Ratio - Expense ratio is the fee that the asset management company charges to the clients as a percentage of the total assets.

Morningstar Rating - This is the overall fund rating given by the rating agency Morning Star. The rating is on the scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is the best.

Inception Date - The date on which the mutual fund scheme was started.

portfolio - percentage of total assets invested in the investment instrument.

sectors - percentage of equity assets invested in the sector

Morningstar Return Rating - Fund rating based on returns by the rating agency Morning Star.The rating is on the scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is the best. Returns_ytd: Year to date return of the mutual fund.

retruns - Annual return of the mutual fund for the respective year

Morningstar Risk Rating - Fund rating based on risk of the mutual fund by the rating agency Morning Star.The rating is on the scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is the best.

Alpha 3y - 3year average alpha of the mutual fund.

Beta 3y - 3year average beta of the mutual fund.

Mean Annual Return 3y - 3year mean annual return

Standard Deviation 3y - Standard deviation of returns over three years.

Sharpe Ratio 3y - 3year average Sharpe ratio of the mutual fund.

bonds_* (Target) - Basis point spread over the bonds for the mutual fund.

Evaluation Metrics

For this particular dataset we are using RMSE as the evaluation metric.


After completing this project I have better understanding of how to apply linear model using GridsearchCV.

Linear regression
Ridge and Lasso Regressor