
Script that deletes your Reddit comments when they are downvoted below a threshold.

Primary LanguagePython


Reddit script that deletes your comments when they are downvoted below a threshold.

Getting Started

Before starting, PRAW must be installed on the machine. On a Windows system, the batch file can be used. Alternatively, if pip is installed on the machine, the command below may be used.

pip install praw

Setting up Reddit application

Instructions for setting up a Reddit application to use KarmaGuardian:

  1. Log-on to Reddit and go to preferences.
  2. Go to the apps section.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click create another app....
  4. Fill out relevant information, i.e. shown below:

  1. You will now be able to see your client ID and client secret!

Setting up KarmaGuardian

Instructions for setting up and running KarmaGuardian for your Reddit account:

  1. Clone the repository or download the files.
  2. Open the config.py file and replace XXXXXXXXX with relevant details.
#More information here: https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/quick_start.html 
username = 'XXXXXXXXX' #This is your reddit username, i.e. spez
password = 'XXXXXXXXX' #This is your reddit password, i.e hunter2
client_id = 'XXXXXXXXX' #This is the client ID received after creating an application.
client_secret = 'XXXXXXXXX' #Client secret received after creating an application
user_agent = "XXXXXXXXX"  #A descriptive user agent to help Reddit determine source of requests 

##KarmaGuardian Parameters###
threshold = -2 #Minimum comment score before it is deleted 
  1. Run KarmaGuardian.py using the command line using "python KarmaGuardian.py".
  2. The script will delete comments with a score of below the threshold every 60 seconds.

Useful Links